Can You Eat Or Drink Cocaine? Risks And Effects

People do not typically eat or drink cocaine, however, it is a common practice to rub cocaine along the gum line. Eating or drinking cocaine can make a person very ill and has a lot of health risks involved.

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Dr. Langdon M.D.

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While theoretically you could eat or drink cocaine, there is no particular reason why anyone should or would want to.

Because the cocaine would have to pass through the digestive system, the cocaine high would be milder and take longer to be felt.

Why Would People Eat Or Drink Cocaine?

Drinking cocaine is not common, and neither is eating cocaine in the traditional sense. However, it is not uncommon for someone to rub the white powder form of cocaine along their gums, though they do not typically swallow it.

This method of cocaine use is typically done when someone is testing out the cocaine product to see how pure it is. The purer the cocaine, the more it will numb the gums.

What Happens When You Eat Cocaine?

When cocaine is used orally by rubbing it on the gums, it hits the bloodstream very quickly. This results in an intensified high but also puts the person in more danger.

Some of the short-term side effects of cocaine use can be very unpleasant and tend to be amplified by eating cocaine.

Short-term effects of cocaine or crack cocaine use include:

  • anxiety
  • paranoia
  • cocaine headaches
  • high blood pressure
  • increased body temperature
  • muscle spasms
  • sexual dysfunction
  • violent or aggressive behavior
  • chest pain
  • fast and irregular heart rate
  • restlessness

Eating cocaine also puts someone at a greater risk for major health problems such as:

  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • seizure
  • psychosis
  • severe weight loss
  • addiction
  • coma
  • sudden death

Dangers Of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine can be extremely addictive, as the high typically only lasts five to 30 minutes. People who use cocaine tend to take repeated doses to extend the feelings of pleasure, satisfy cravings, and avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Not only is cocaine addictive, but a person is putting themselves at an increased risk of heart attack and stroke every single time they use cocaine — even from the very first use.

This can be particularly dangerous if someone has pre-existing cardiovascular medical conditions.

Perhaps the scariest danger of cocaine abuse is the risk of a cocaine overdose. And unlike with some other drugs, like opioids, there is no life-saving medication that can reverse the overdose and save you.

Treatment Programs For Cocaine Addiction

No matter what addiction and mental health treatment services you are looking for, you should be able to find them at an addiction rehab center near you.

Treatment services for cocaine addiction may include:

Find Cocaine Treatment At Bedrock Recovery Center

At Bedrock Recovery Center, we understand that stopping cocaine use can be easier said than done. If you are struggling with cocaine abuse or any other type of drug use, you are not alone.

We are here to help as you begin your substance abuse recovery journey. Please reach out with any questions that you have about substance use or addiction treatment options.

It is never too early or too late to get started.

  1. Drug Enforcement Administration — Cocaine
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse — Cocaine DrugFacts
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse — How is cocaine used?

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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