Black Tar Heroin: Addiction And Treatment

Black tar heroin is a crude, less refined version of heroin that is less costly than other forms of heroin and a popular drug of abuse. Effects of black tar heroin can vary but include several risks and dangers. Treatment for heroin abuse may involve either inpatient or outpatient recovery plans.

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Black tar heroin, also known as Mexican tar, is a type of heroin, an illegal drug known for its highly addictive effects. Unlike other forms of this substance, black tar heroin is less processed or pure.

Produced primarily in Mexico, black tar heroin is smuggled across the border and is most common in the Western United States.

This form of heroin is cheaper to produce, which may explain why it has become more prevalent in recent decades.

How Black Tar Heroin Is Made

Heroin is made from a substance called morphine, which can be extracted from poppy plant seed pods. More specifically, opium, which is the opioid found in heroin and in the poppy plants.

By removing the opium found in these pods, the substance can be made into different forms of heroin.

While some forms are highly processed and are mixed with other ingredients such as powdered milk or sugars, black tar heroin is the least processed form, resulting in its dark appearance.

Learn more about how black tar heroin is made.

How To Identify Black Tar Heroin

Identifying black tar heroin may seem daunting for those who are not familiar with the substance. However, the appearance and smell of this drug may help identify it.

Find out more about how to identify black tar heroin.

What Does Black Tar Heroin Smell Like?

Black tar heroin can differ in smell quite a bit. This is because of the variety of ways the drug is produced.

Smells that may be associated with black tar heroin include:

  • vinegar
  • vitamins
  • medicine
  • no smell

Learn more about what black tar heroin smells like.

What Does Black Tar Heroin Look Like?

On the other hand, the appearance of black tar heroin is typically more straightforward. As the name suggests, the substance is black in color.

Additionally, black tar heroin is sticky, gummy, or sometimes rock hard in texture. The appearance is often compared to roofing tar.

Read more about what black tar heroin looks like.

Smoking Black Tar Heroin

While other forms of heroin may be snorted, black tar heroin is typically smoked or injected, as it tends to be a sticky substance.

Smoking heroin is the fastest way to get the drug into one’s system, which may be why it is a common method for heroin use.

To smoke black tar heroin, it is placed in aluminum foil and heated from below to turn the tar-like substance into a vapor. From there, the vapor is smoked through a straw or tube of some sort.

Smoking heroin is seen as less dangerous than injection drug use as it can be easier to control the amount one uses and poses fewer health risks.

However, it is important to note that the use of heroin in any format is incredibly dangerous and will likely lead to addictive behaviors.

Learn more about the effects of smoking black tar heroin.

Side Effects Of Black Tar Heroin

The use of black tar heroin can lead to both short-term and long-term effects, some of which may be more serious than others.

Short-term effects heroin users may experience include:

  • a rush of pleasure
  • a warm feeling in the body
  • dry mouth
  • heaviness
  • itchiness
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • drowsiness
  • slowed breathing
  • decreased mental function
  • decreased heart function

Long-term effects of heroin use may be:

  • increased tolerance
  • physical dependence
  • deterioration of brain matter
  • decreased behavioral regulation
  • difficulties in dealing with stressful situations
  • altered decision-making abilities
  • constipation
  • lung complications
  • mental health disorders
  • sexual dysfunction

Learn more about the side effects of black tar heroin abuse.

Dangers And Risk Of Heroin Abuse

There are many dangers and risk factors associated with heroin use. These can be dependent on the way heroin is used or different processing methods.

Dangers and risk factors may include:

  • exposure to hepatitis B and C
  • exposure to HIV/AIDS
  • bacterial infections
  • soft-tissue infections
  • overdose
  • exposure to other drugs like fentanyl
  • nerve damage
  • death

Treatment Options For Heroin Abuse At Bedrock

Bedrock Recovery Center, located in Canton, MA, is a substance abuse rehabilitation center accredited by The Joint Commission. The center has also earned a 4.1-star Google rating.

Bedrock Recovery Center offers a variety of treatment options for opiate abuse. Options include detox programs, inpatient programs, and medication-assisted treatment.

Detox treatment for heroin use may involve:

  • supplements to decrease vomiting
  • nutrition supplements and fluids
  • regulated drugs to help reduce the pain from withdrawal

Inpatient treatment for heroin addiction includes:

  • detox treatment
  • counseling
  • rehabilitation techniques
  • living in a controlled, sober environment

Medication-assisted treatment is used alongside inpatient and detox treatment to help manage heroin withdrawal symptoms.

In addition to detox treatment, this program also includes therapy, recovery education, and aftercare.

Find Addiction Treatment At Bedrock Recovery Center

Heroin addiction is a serious matter and can pose serious risks to you or your loved one. For help with treating black tar heroin addiction, call our helpline at Bedrock Recovery Center today.

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) —Heroin Research Report
  2. United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) — Heroin

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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