Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS
It is highly recommended that anyone seeking to recover from substance abuse, particularly meth, do so by seeking addiction treatment from an accredited detox program.
It can be dangerous to perform a meth detox on your own, as the side effects of the withdrawal process, depending on how long the substance was used and other factors, can range from mild to potentially fatal.
Tips For Safely Detoxing From Meth At Home
There are a number of holistic or alternative methods that you can employ to help safely treat drug cravings and minimize the risky side effects of domestic methamphetamine detox.
Disclaimer: This is not a replacement for medical advice; the safest method of detox for all drugs of abuse is to seek medical attention from a hospital, certified treatment center, etc.
1. Get Plenty Of Sleep
One of the stimulating effects of methamphetamine is that it removes the ‘need’ or desire for sleep, leading to irregular sleep schedules, disturbed sleep, and difficulties falling asleep.
However, the first 24 to 48 hours of meth detox usually cause a ‘crash’, as the person’s body begins to recoup from the effects of meth use.
Therefore, the first couple of days generally involves large quantities of eating and sleeping.
To better facilitate long-term recovery during this initial stage, ensuring that you maintain regular sleep schedules can help the brain to reorient and regain its balance.
2. Focus On Hydration
Staying hydrated is a crucial part of home addiction recovery.
Since the stimulant nature of meth results in a loss of appetite and changes in how the liver processes and stores fats and other nutrients, water intake can be completely sidelined.
Regaining and replenishing your body’s water supply can help flush out the excess methamphetamine metabolites in the body.
3. Eat Nutritious Food
Using meth results in a loss of appetite, leading to less and less food being ingested by the person. Prolonged meth use can lead to serious malnutrition and change how the liver processes nutrients.
Additionally, oral ingestion of meth causes damage to the stomach lining and the lower intestinal tracks, so fewer nutrients are absorbed.
Regaining your appetite and maintaining a healthy balance of food can slowly but surely assist the metabolism and liver in regaining its proper function.
4. Seek Medical Supervision
Supervision by medical professionals cannot be achieved by outpatient treatment or telehealth consulting. For some, this is crucial to a full and healthy recovery.
When detoxing at home, keeping contact with medical professionals is important, since it allows them to monitor your health status and adjust your treatment plan as needed.
If you need medical monitoring, you may need to seek inpatient care.
Meth Withdrawal Symptoms That Are Difficult To Treat At Home
A number of withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to treat at home some of which are not possible without help from a medical professional.
A number of withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to treat at home some of which are not possible without help from a medical professional.
Mood Swings
Mood swings, as a result of the brain attempting to bounce back from long-standing dopamine depletion, can be difficult to manage.
However, seeking professional meth addiction treatment in the form of medications, such as antidepressants and antianxiety medications, can help to alleviate these mood swings.
Intense Cravings
This is one of the most difficult withdrawal symptoms to manage at home.
Intense cravings pose a substantial threat to the risk of relapse, which is never something you want to experience when trying to facilitate a home detox.
Most cravings for meth can be best treated through a strong support system that focuses on distraction, relaxation, and keeping you engaged.
Sleeping problems are common with people undergoing symptoms of meth withdrawal.
The intense cravings associated with ceasing meth can make sleep difficult, as can the lack of dopamine and serotonin in the brain.
However, a healthy diet and water intake alongside regular outside activity can be effective in treating sleep issues, especially when paired with organic melatonin supplements.
Risks Of Methamphetamine Home Detox
Methamphetamine detox at home can be dangerous and can produce potentially life-threatening health complications, when withdrawal symptoms are not properly addressed.
Some of these risks include the following.
Violent Behavior
Mood swings and other mental health disorders can be exacerbated by the lack of methamphetamine in a brain that is accustomed to its presence.
Because of this, behavioral issues have been known to arise, including violent behavior, mood swings, depression, and debilitating anxiety.
For this reason, it is highly recommended that people seek help from professional treatment facilities to mitigate this risk.
Suicidal thoughts are one of the most concerning potential side effects of methamphetamine withdrawal and is one reason why home detoxification is not the best option.
However, medications, counseling, therapy, and support groups can greatly reduce the risk of suicide.
Severe Meth Withdrawal Symptoms
Many of the physical symptoms of meth withdrawal, including fevers, seizures, and respiratory issues, can be life-threatening and are best managed within a rehab facility.
Some of these meth withdrawal symptoms include:
- changes in appetite
- fatigue
- fever
- headaches
- tremors
- sweating
- muscle pain
Treatment Programs For Meth Addiction Following Detox
Fortunately, there are a number of treatment programs available to help those seeking recovery services for a meth addiction achieve a life of sobriety.
Some of these meth rehab programs include:
- inpatient and outpatient treatment programs
- therapy and counseling
- medication-assisted treatment
- support groups
- educational and vocational programs
- detox
Find Drug And Alcohol Treatment At Bedrock Recovery Center
If you or a loved one are in search of addiction treatment services for a meth addiction, call our free helpline to discuss enrollment at Bedrock today.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)