Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS
Snorting meth is one method of methamphetamine abuse. This method usually produces a high in three to five minutes.
Snorting meth does not typically produce the sudden, intense rush associated with other forms of meth use.
Despite causing a more mild physical reaction, snorting meth comes with all of the same risks of general methamphetamine use.
How Meth Is Snorted
Meth comes in several forms. It can be powdered, liquid, crystallized, or shaped into a pill. When people snort meth, they typically use the powdered form.
Powder Meth
If methamphetamine powder is not readily available, the crystals or pills may be crushed to form a powder instead. The desired dose is then arranged and snorted through a straw or similar implement.
Powdered meth is ideal for snorting because there’s no necessary prep work.
Boiled Down Liquid Meth
This particular form of meth is made to reduce the risk of detection during border crossings. Liquid meth can also be taken orally.
However, the liquid is usually allowed to recrystallize for other, more popular forms of use.
Crushed Crystal Meth
Crystal meth is typically smoked. However, if you aren’t smoking meth, it is possible to break the smaller crystals into a powder for snorting.
If crystals are hard to break, then the methamphetamine has likely been cut or replaced with another substance.
Side Effects Of Snorting Meth
Using methamphetamine comes with a host of side effects.
Common short-term effects include:
- elevated heart rate
- high blood pressure
- elevated body temperature
- erratic behavior
- psychosis
Common long-term effects include:
- brain damage
- multiple organ damage
- heart complications
- severe oral health problems
- intense cravings
- decline in mental health
Snorting meth comes with a few additional side effects that result from this method of use. These include the following.
Snorting any illicit substance will irritate your sinuses. The irritation makes the vessels more susceptible to damage, which may cause frequent nosebleeds.
Weight Loss
General methamphetamine abuse is associated with severe weight loss. Between a lack of appetite and an artificially increased metabolic rate, your body will not get the nutrition you need.
Weight loss from methamphetamine abuse is not healthy. The resulting nutritional deficits can often make the organ damage from drug addiction much worse.
Mood Swings
Meth directly targets your central nervous system. It floods your brain with dopamine, one of our “feel good” hormones. Meth is a highly addictive drug. Just one dose can lead to dependency.
As you become dependent, your brain stops making and processing dopamine and other neurotransmitters normally. You will experience intense highs and lows depending on when you last had access to meth.
The people around you, including your most valued loved ones will experience these shifts as dramatic mood swings. In a very short span, you could go from intensely happy to extraordinarily irritable and even violent.
Dangers Of Snorting Meth
There is no safe way to use methamphetamine. It’s a highly volatile stimulant that damages most of your major organs. These are just a few of the dangers associated with snorting meth.
Contracting Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is normally contracted when you come into contact with infected blood. Snorting meth may be less dangerous in this regard than injecting it, but it is not without risk.
Given the high instance of nosebleeds in people who snort methamphetamine, there is a risk of exposure if you share any tools.
To limit this risk, keep your dose separate, and use your own paraphernalia (meth tools).
Risk Of Heart Attack
The artificial increase in your blood pressure and heart rate puts you at increased risk for cardiac events, including heart attack, stroke, and cardiac arrest.
Cardiac events are more likely if you have an existing heart condition, are pregnant, or are engaging in additional substance use.
Meth Mouth
Meth mouth is a term used to refer to the massive damage meth does to your oral cavity. Chronic dry mouth, widespread tooth decay, severe gum sores, and recurrent tooth loss are common effects.
Meth mouth can occur with any form of meth use.
Developing Psychosis
Methamphetamine has a profound effect on your brain. It damages areas that help with learning, memory, and self-regulation.
In addition to this damage, meth also alters the way your brain produces and reacts to neurotransmitters.
In the beginning, the effects of these changes may come and go, but it is very common for people who use meth to eventually develop psychosis.
When you are experiencing psychosis, it can be very difficult for you to track reality. Your hallucinations and paranoia feel as real as anything else.
In this state, you are a danger to yourself and others. Meth-induced psychosis is an emergency that requires medical intervention.
Treatment Options For Meth Addiction
Meth addiction is a condition that requires professional addiction treatment. Fortunately, you have many options.
Harm reduction programs offer testing kits and clean needles. Detox programs are available to safely get you through your withdrawal symptoms.
Treatment facilities exist to provide inpatient and outpatient counseling as well as aftercare services.
If you’re willing to ask for help, you will find a meth treatment program that works for you.
Find Substance Abuse Treatment At Bedrock Recovery Center
At Bedrock Recovery Center, we are dedicated to providing the best quality care. We offer multiple treatment options, allowing you to make choices that fit your life.
If you’re ready to stop snorting meth so you can focus on your passions and goals, call our treatment center in Massachusetts today to get the help you deserve.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/methamphetamine/overview
- National Library of Medicine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4354220/