Meth Comedown: Symptoms Of A Meth Hangover

A meth hangover can be a mild to moderate version of meth withdrawal, but it is still severe. Recovery from meth withdrawal occurs in stages. The initial detox lasts about a week, but total recovery often takes more than a year.

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Dr. Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS


The comedown that follows meth abuse can be harsh. As the effects of meth wear off, you can expect a hangover.

The length and severity of your hangover will depend on your body’s response to methamphetamine.

What Causes A Meth Hangover?

A meth hangover is a mild or moderate form of the withdrawal process caused by a psychological addiction to meth or a physical dependence.

Psychological Addiction To Meth

A meth addiction is a psychological reliance based on the changes to your central nervous system caused by drug use.

With addiction, the depression and anxiety resulting from substance abuse are too much. You need the drug to feel mentally sound.

Physical Dependence

A physical dependence on methamphetamine use is largely defined by the cravings you feel. Without access to meth, you may feel physically ill.

Symptoms Of A Meth Hangover

A meth hangover can last up to five weeks. Fortunately, most of your meth withdrawal symptoms should fade by the end of the first week.

Cravings are the exception. If you have a meth addiction, you may feel intense cravings for five or six weeks as part of withdrawal.

The First 24 Hours

The first 24 hours are the worst for most people. This is the time when you can expect the most severe physical and psychological symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal.

Given the volatility of meth withdrawal, you should be supervised by a medical professional at this time.

At the very least, make sure you are with a loved one who can get you access to healthcare as needed.

During the first 24 hours, side effects can include:

  • anger
  • elevated blood pressure
  • exhaustion
  • increased appetite
  • insomnia
  • irregular heart rate
  • irritability
  • psychosis

Post Meth Use 48 To 72 Hours

As the initial shock to your system wears off, you can expect some of the most serious meth comedown symptoms to fade.

At this point, you’re less likely to experience the hallucinations and delusions associated with meth-induced psychosis. You’re also less likely to experience a heart attack, stroke, or cardiac arrest.

With that said, many of your symptoms will remain. Your appetite will stay elevated, and you will continue to struggle with wakefulness despite your exhaustion.

You may also start to feel severe depression replacing your anger and irritability. This is normal, because your brain has adapted to being bathed in dopamine and serotonin.

Your brain no longer produces those neurotransmitters at normal levels because it didn’t have to. As a result, you will struggle with your mental health in initial recovery.

Days Four To Seven

By the tail end of the first week, your physical symptoms will mostly fade. You might have some nagging gastrointestinal discomfort, and sleep won’t come easily just yet.

Even so, you will begin to feel physically better.

The psychological damage will take much longer to heal. With scientifically based treatment options and the help of antidepressants, you could have total relief within a few months to a year.

Some people do require more time. If you have a pre-existing mental illness or have a long history of drug addiction, it may take a little longer to feel like yourself again.

After The First Week Of Stopping Meth Use

After the first week, you should be done with detox. Most of your symptoms should be gone, and your appetite and sleep patterns should be relatively normal.

At this point, you will want to choose between inpatient and outpatient programs that offer meth addiction treatment.

These programs can help to manage your remaining psychological symptoms and cravings as your body works to heal from your substance use disorder.

How To Get Through A Meth Hangover

Even a mild meth hangover can be taxing on your body. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make your recovery more comfortable.

Hydration And Nutrition

The best way to aid your body in recovery is to make sure it has all of the tools to function as well as it possibly can. Staying well-hydrated through your hangover and eating nutritious foods are key.

To facilitate your recovery, keep a large water bottle with some ice nearby.

To stay well-fed, prepare nutritious meals or order in. In either case, consider taking a multivitamin to cover your bases.

Methamphetamine abuse can result in drastic weight loss, so don’t be surprised if you’re voraciously hungry.

Plentiful Sleep

Getting enough sleep is a lot harder than it sounds. Meth is a strong stimulant drug, so coming down from it will make you feel more tired than you have ever felt.

Unfortunately, a meth hangover is also characterized by extreme insomnia. To combat this, you should consider keeping your bedroom dark and avoiding blue light.

You may also take a sleep aid approved by a healthcare professional.

Support Groups

You probably won’t feel like attending a support group in the first 24 to 48 hours of your meth withdrawal, but you should consider attending one in the following days.

Support groups aren’t for everyone, but they are one of the few places where you can meet people who know exactly what you’re going through.

Withdrawal is hard, and receiving any form of validation from people who have been through it can be incredibly helpful.

Addiction Treatment Services For Meth Withdrawal

Meth addiction is one of the most severe forms of drug addiction. It’s a disease that requires immediate treatment due to the risk of injury and death.

There are treatment programs that can help by providing medically supervised detox as well as therapeutic programs.

You can choose to engage with these meth rehab programs on an inpatient or outpatient basis depending on your individual needs.

Find Drug Treatment Services At Bedrock Recovery Center

At Bedrock Recovery Center, we specialize in providing robust, evidence-based treatment programs for people who want to put their drug addiction in the past.

Meth hangovers are exhausting, unpleasant, and dangerous. If you would like this to be your last meth hangover, give our Massachusetts treatment center a call now.

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse
  2. National Library of Medicine

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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