Tips For Finding Work In Early Recovery

Making a plan for finding work in recovery can help reduce stress, increase hiring chances, and set yourself up for success.

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Recovery is an ongoing process that includes learning to live a new lifestyle by changing your daily habits to build a sustainable, sober life.

Finding work can be an essential part of beginning that process and establishing the necessary structure to continue recovery and prevent relapse.

Approaching your job search by using your existing skills or taking classes that teach occupational skills can help you find a job and stay clean.

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1. Consider Your Existing Skills To Identify Career Options

Identifying a career path can be challenging for anyone. The first step in identifying career options is to know yourself and take your existing skills into account.

Leveraging your existing skills when considering career options can provide you with a career you enjoy as well as one you can be successful in.

2. Contact An Aftercare Program That Offers Employment Assistance

Certain aftercare programs offer employment assistance, and finding one of these programs could provide crucial resources to secure your success on the job market.

Services may include job readiness programs such as resume workshops, interpersonal skills classes, and networking guidance.

3. Take Classes That Teach Occupational Skills

Many libraries, community centers, and local government departments offer free classes to help someone write a resume and learn basic skills.

These skills may include basic math, reading and writing, workplace education, and transition services to employment.

Community colleges also teach practical work skills, courses on accounting and numerous computer programs that are common in the workplace are frequently available.

Some colleges may also offer classes on a particular trade, such as woodworking, construction, car repair, etc.

4. Network With Your Recovery Community

Your recovery community, including support group members, family, friends, and your therapist, may be able to help you find work.

They may have a friend or family member with a business that is seeking help or may be able to provide other information to send you in the right direction.

Your network can also offer guidance and encouragement throughout the job process and help you through challenges and setbacks.

5. Practice Your Interview Skills

Prepare yourself by researching the position and the organization prior to the interview. Take time to research and review typical interview questions and create appropriate responses.

Be prepared to summarize your experience, describe what you can bring to the job, listen carefully to each question and answer as directly as possible.

Also, be prepared to relate your knowledge, skills, and abilities to the job.

Practice interviewing with a mentor or friend, pretending they are the interviewer, and ask for their feedback on your responses.

6. Talk To Other People In Recovery To Learn How They Disclose Their History On Applications

Talking to others in recovery to learn how they disclosed their history on applications, especially if there was any criminal history, can help you to know how to disclose your past to a potential employer.

One option can be to write “will discuss in an interview” instead of a lengthy explanation of past convictions.

During the interview, it is best to keep explanations brief and explain what you have learned from past convictions and how you have changed. Keep the discussion positive.

Be comfortable discussing your convictions and practice ahead of time. Focus on what you have to offer to the employer.

7. Prepare To Handle Workplace Stressors And Other Triggers

Stress is a well-known risk factor that contributes to addiction relapse.

Being prepared to handle stress and other triggers with specific coping mechanisms, increased self-awareness, and self-regulation tools can prevent relapse.

Workplace stressors can be managed by employing healthy habits, taking time out to relax, and establishing boundaries.

Having someone to talk to when experiencing workplace stressors or triggers can also allow you to relieve the stress and stay on the right path.

Learn About Addiction Treatment Options In Massachusetts

If you are looking for addiction treatment in Massachusetts, we can help. Contact Bedrock Recovery Center today to learn more about the treatment options we offer.

  1. American Psychological Association
  2. Chemeketa Community College
  3. Eastern District of Missouri
  4. Ohio Department Of Higher Education
  5. National Library Of Medicine: PubMed
  6. The Administration For Children And Families (ACF)
  7. The United States Department of Labor (DOL)
  8. The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: January 4, 2024

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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