Drug rehab centers in Gloucester, MA offer comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment services to residents and visitors alike.
If you are interested in an addiction recovery program in Massachusetts, you may be able to find a facility that meets your needs in Gloucester, MA.
Rates Of Substance Abuse In Gloucester, MA
Gloucester is located on the coast of Cape Ann near the northeastern tip of Massachusetts. At the time of the last census, the city’s population was estimated to be about 30,000 strong.
Our team has put together recent statistics related to drug and alcohol abuse in Gloucester, MA below.
Trends in drug and alcohol abuse in Gloucester, MA:
- After a sizable dip in 2020, opioid-related overdose deaths peaked again in 2021.
- Addiction rehab admissions suggest that alcohol and heroin are the primary causes of chemical dependency in Gloucester, MA.
- The rate of use for other opiates is significantly higher in Gloucester compared to other cities in Massachusetts.
Treatment Programs For Addiction In Gloucester, MA
Addiction treatment centers in Gloucester, MA provide a host of treatment options.
The nature of these treatments are relatively standard across accredited, evidence-based programs, but you will notice variation based on the type of facility and the levels of care they offer.
Addiction recovery services may include:
- 12-step program
- aftercare services
- alcohol treatment
- cognitive behavioral therapy
- dialectical behavior therapy
- dual diagnosis treatment
- family therapy
- group counseling
- intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
- long-term residential treatment
- medical detoxification
- medication-assisted treatment with methadone
- outpatient treatment
- partial hospitalization
- short-term inpatient treatment
Insurance Coverage For Addiction Treatment In Gloucester, MA
If you have private health insurance, then you likely have some insurance coverage for addiction treatment.
To learn more about your plan and what it covers, talk with your insurance representative and our team at Bedrock Recovery Center.
MassHealth Insurance
MassHealth is the name of Massachusetts’ Medicaid program. This government-provided health insurance is intended to make healthcare accessible for those with fewer financial resources.
To find out whether or not you’re eligible for Medicaid or Medicare, you can check the requirements through the state’s MassHealth page.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Blue Cross Blue Shield is one of the largest health insurance providers in the United States.
Thanks to the size of the network throughout the states, it’s relatively easy to find a drug and alcohol rehab that will accept BCBS insurance for addiction treatment with a referral.
Cigna Insurance
Cigna insurance is another well-recognized private insurance provider in New England. They’re based in Boston but have relationships with healthcare providers throughout the United States.
To find out more about what your Cigna insurance can cover, contact the rehab facility of your choice to discuss coverage and other payment options.
FAQs For Addiction Treatment Centers In Gloucester, MA
Taking the first step towards long-term addiction recovery can be frightening, especially when you’re faced with so many unknowns.
To help you feel a bit better about making the right decision for your health and your future, our team has put together a collection of your most commonly asked questions.
Can My Parents Send Me To Rehab In Gloucester, MA?
If you are a young adult under the age of 18 and not an emancipated minor, then your parents can send you to a drug and alcohol rehab program in Gloucester, MA.
Legal adults cannot be forced into an addiction treatment program unless medical and legal professionals determine that the person is a threat to themselves or others.
How Do I Know If I Need Professional Addiction Treatment?
Alcohol and drug addiction can sneak up on you. In the moment, it can be difficult for some people to realize how much their condition has deteriorated.
Generally speaking, if you find that your substance use is negatively affecting your relationships, hobbies, job, or mental state, then you should seek professional help in Gloucester, MA.
If your family has arranged an intervention or you’ve received medical advice suggesting the benefits of drug and alcohol detox, those are other red flags.
What Causes Addiction And How Is It Treated?
Addiction can be influenced by a number of underlying factors. Genetics, pre-existing mental illness, and a history of abuse are just a few possibilities.
When you are treated for addiction in Gloucester, MA your treatment team’s goal is to provide you with the mental, emotional, and physical support you need to heal.
In some cases that may involve discussing potential risk factors in your life, and you may require some form of dual diagnosis treatment for a co-occurring mental health disorder.
Does Addiction Cause Permanent Damage To Your Health Even After Rehab?
Substance abuse is capable of leaving you with permanent damage to your vital organs even after successful addiction treatment in Gloucester, MA.
With that said, not all damage is permanent. If your addiction is treated at an early enough stage, it is very possible that most, if not all, of the initial damage will heal over time.
What Can My Addiction Program In Gloucester, MA Do To Reduce My Risk Of Relapse?
More than half of people who undergo addiction treatment will relapse, and it isn’t uncommon for a person to relapse several times. For many people, relapse is a natural part of the journey.
If you’re concerned about relapsing after your addiction treatment in Gloucester, MA, you will be happy to know that many programs include comprehensive relapse prevention programs.
These programs include services like group therapy, vocational training, sober living facilities, and crisis management.
Find Substance Use Treatment At Bedrock Recovery Center
Choosing the right substance abuse treatment center for yourself or a loved one is a complex process that pushes you to reflect on your needs and personal preferences.
If you’re considering a drug and alcohol rehab program in Gloucester, MA, contact our helpline at Bedrock Recovery Center. Our team can tell you all you need to know about our accredited recovery programs.
Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Gloucester, MA
- Bureau of Substance Addiction Services https://www.mass.gov/doc/admissions-statistics-by-city-and-town/download
- Department of Public Health (DPH) https://www.mass.gov/topics/masshealth
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health https://www.mass.gov/doc/opioid-related-overdose-deaths-by-city-town-june-2022/download
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) https://nida.nih.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/drug-addiction-treatment-in-united-states/types-treatment-programs
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt32838/Massachusetts-BH-Barometer_Volume6.pdf