Derry, NH Alcohol And Drug Detox Rehab Centers

Drug and alcohol treatment is offered near Derry, NH for residents who have substance abuse issues and may need drug or alcohol detox, inpatient treatment, or mental health treatment.

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Rehab Centers In Derry, NH

Addiction treatment programs near Derry can help residents overcome their drug abuse and find ways to manage their illness.

Finding the treatment plan that works specifically against your substance use disorder is the best way to combat your addiction.

There are a variety of treatment options involving outpatient treatment and inpatient drug rehab that will help treat your substance abuse.

Choosing A Rehab Facility Near Derry

Finding a treatment facility can be difficult if you are not sure what to look for or if you are not certain about what type of health care you or your loved one may need.

Quality recovery programs should match the needs of each individual searching for drug treatment.

When searching for substance abuse treatment near Derry, a reputable and licensed rehab facility should offer:

  • an individualized assessment to determine treatment options
  • evidence-based treatment
  • medication-assisted treatment and substance use monitoring
  • continuing clinical and case management
  • recovery support and counseling programs
  • continuing care plan

Treatment Options Near Derry, NH

The good news is drug addiction is treatable and can be successfully managed through a good recovery plan.

There are many different types of health care for those fighting drug abuse, so make sure you get help determining which treatment programs can work best for your needs.

Alcohol And Drug Detoxification Programs

Detoxification is not a treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, but it is the first step. Often, patients who seek drug or alcohol detox alone do not stop using drugs.

People often go through medical detox before starting treatment. Detox from opioids usually involve either methadone or buprenorphine to suppress withdrawal symptoms and relieve cravings.

Read more about medical detox programs

Inpatient Drug And Alcohol Rehab Programs

Inpatient treatment is offered near Derry for those seeking addiction recovery.

Inpatient programs may last several weeks or several months and provide a safe and structured environment.

Read more about inpatient addiction treatment

Outpatient Treatment For Addiction

Outpatient treatment near Derry can help residents achieve a substance-free lifestyle. People do not receive 24-hour care but may transition from inpatient rehab to an outpatient program.

Outpatient services include assessment and treatment planning, intensive individual or group counseling, and may include family counseling.

Sober Living And Transitional Living

Sober houses provide a safe and structured environment for Derry residents to live after leaving inpatient treatment.

Sober living offers a drug-free home with a peer-mentored group in which residents can support each other to maintain sobriety.

Aftercare And Continuing Care

Inpatient programs near Derry often refer residents to continuing care in order to prepare them for living on their own.

Community support, educational or employment services, and life skills are addiction services that may be offered in an aftercare plan.

Derry, NH Substance Abuse Programs

The Derry Fire Department is committed to fighting the opioid crisis and works closely with a community coalition to battle opioids, including hosting community training.

Some of the Fire Department’s efforts include:

  • actively engaged with a coalition of local professionals concerned about the opioid crisis
  • committed to assisting residents with planning how to address the threat of opiates
  • working with substance abuse professionals on preventing overdoses and fatalities
  • improving the community’s ability to respond immediately to opioid overdoses

Derry, NH Addiction Statistics

In 2019, Rockingham County had 73 drug overdose deaths. New Hampshire had more residents admitted to a treatment facility for heroin use than any other drug. Alcohol was second.

More than 400 opioid-related emergency department visits were reported in 2020 for Rockingham County.

Why Choose Bedrock Recovery Center?

If you are looking for drug addiction treatment near Derry, check out Bedrock Recovery Center.

Just a short drive away in Canton, Massachusetts, we serve New Hampshire, the greater New England area, and the entire United States.

Don’t wait to seek help today. We offer assistance with drug and alcohol detox, inpatient treatment for drug and alcohol abuse, and behavioral health services.

To learn more about substance abuse and our treatment facility, contact our helpline today.

Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Derry, NH

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse—Step by Step Guides to Finding Treatment for Drug Use Disorders Treatment Information
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse—Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction Drug Facts
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse—Understanding Drug Use and Addiction DrugFacts
  4. New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services—Recovery Housing
  5. New Hampshire Drug Monitoring Initiative—2020 Overview Report
  6. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—Quick Statistics
  7. Town of Derry, NH—Opioid Emergency

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: June 24, 2021

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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