Drug Rehab Centers In Seabrook, NH

Seabrook, New Hampshire, is home to a number of addiction treatment services. These options include opportunities for inpatient and outpatient treatment with access to multiple types of evidence-based treatments and holistic therapies.

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Drug and alcohol rehab programs in Seabrook, NH, provide access to substance use disorder treatment across various levels of care.

If you or a loved one needs treatment for addiction in New Hampshire, Seabrook may have the resources you need to recover.

Rates Of Substance Abuse In Seabrook, NH

Seabrook, NH, is located in Rockingham County on the Massachusetts state border. This town of about 8,000 people is situated between Hampton to the north and Salisbury to the south.

Trends in drug and alcohol abuse in Seabrook, NH

  • In the first nine months of 2021, Seabrook had 1-5 overdose deaths within the town limits.
  • Rockingham County has a relatively low rate of overdose death but a moderate rate of opioid-related emergency department visits.
  • Opioid-related substance abuse treatment admissions are also slightly elevated in Rockingham County when compared to most other New Hampshire counties.

Treatment Programs For Addiction In Seabrook, NH

Effective drug and alcohol rehab programs combine a variety of treatment approaches to create their treatment plans. The nature of these approaches will vary depending on the rehab facility.

The addiction recovery services that you encounter will depend heavily on the program you choose, so make sure you ask whether your rehab center offers the options you’re interested in.

Addiction recovery services may include: 

  • 12-step programs
  • adolescent programs
  • aftercare services
  • alcohol treatment
  • cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • detoxification
  • dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • dual diagnosis treatment
  • family therapy
  • group counseling services
  • heroin drug treatment
  • inpatient treatment
  • intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
  • long-term residential treatment
  • methadone maintenance
  • motivational interviewing
  • outpatient services
  • partial hospitalization programs (PHP)
  • prescription drug management
  • relapse prevention
  • support groups

Insurance Coverage For Addiction Treatment In Seabrook, NH

Most private health insurance plans include some coverage for drug and alcohol addiction treatment as a preventative measure against the long-term health risks of substance abuse.

If you are not sure what kind of addiction recovery program your private insurance covers, contact our hotline at Bedrock Recovery Center to learn more.

New Hampshire Medicaid

The state of New Hampshire’s Medicaid program works with the federal government to provide affordable healthcare to people with fewer financial resources.

While Medicaid is not a universally accepted payment option, there are a host of different programs that will accept Medicaid and other forms of government insurance like Medicare.

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare is a regional health insurance company that primarily serves the New England area.

The company is now under the umbrella of UnitedHealthcare, which may expand your treatment options depending on the location of your preferred treatment facility.

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) is one of the largest health insurance companies in the United States with treatment options in all 50 states.

If you would like to use your BCBS insurance for substance abuse treatment, contact your insurance representative and preferred treatment team to discuss the details of your coverage.

FAQs For Addiction Treatment Centers In Seabrook, NH

Finding the right addiction treatment program can be challenging if you’re unfamiliar with the process.

To make it a little easier, our team has put together brief answers to your most pressing questions related to addiction treatment in Seabrook, NH.

How Do I Choose The Right Addiction Treatment Approach In Seabrook, NH?

Choosing the right treatment approach for substance use disorder in Seabrook, NH, comes down to your medical requirements and personal preferences.

For example, if you’re addicted to a benzodiazepine or an opioid, you likely need a detox program or rehab center that can provide the drug taper you need to safely quit.

To get a better idea of your specific medical needs, you may want to consider meeting with your primary care physician or other qualified healthcare provider before making a final decision.

Your healthcare provider can help you go through your medical history and substance use history to identify specific treatment needs if you have any.

Do I Need To Meet With My Doctor Before I Enroll In A Seabrook, NH Rehab Program?

You may be required to meet with your doctor before enrolling in a Seabrook, NH, rehab program if your insurance requires a referral or preauthorization.

If your insurance does not require approval from a primary care physician, it may still be in your best interest to meet with your doctor for general medical advice pertaining to your addiction.

How Are Dangerous Withdrawal Symptoms Treated In Seabrook, NH?

Withdrawal symptoms are generally moderate, but detox can be dangerous.

Substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids are the most likely to cause volatile and potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

Fortunately, the dangers that come with detoxification are greatly reduced if you enroll in an accredited detox program in Seabrook, NH.

These detox centers offer a lifeline to emergency medical services to ensure that you receive the care you need as quickly as possible.

What Is The First Step In Addiction Treatment In Seabrook, NH?

The first step in substance abuse rehabilitation is typically realizing that you need professional help. From there, you can connect with resources to pursue detox and treatment.

If you are in addiction treatment in Seabrook, NH, as the result of a court order, that may not be true for you. However, motivational interviewing may be able to help you take that step.

How Often Do People Relapse After Substance Abuse Treatment In Seabrook, NH?

Relapse is fairly common. A little more than half of all people who go through substance abuse treatment eventually relapse, and these rates are higher for alcohol and opioid addiction.

The good news is that substance abuse treatment programs in Seabrook, NH, regularly offer relapse prevention services to help keep you connected to your sober community after treatment.

These services may include support groups, vocational training, and other supportive programs to help relieve stress and prevent feelings of isolation.

Find Substance Use Treatment At Bedrock Recovery Center

If you or a loved one is in need of substance abuse treatment in Seabrook, Manchester, or Portsmouth, give our helpline at Bedrock Recovery Center a call.

Our team can introduce you to the levels of care provided by our accredited treatment facilities and discuss your options for enrollment.

Additional Treatment Centers Near Seabrook, NH

Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Seabrook, NH

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) https://nida.nih.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/drug-addiction-treatment-in-united-states/types-treatment-programs
  2. New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/medicaid
  3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt32846/NewHampshire-BH-Barometer_Volume6.pdf
  4. The State of New Hampshire Information and Analysis Center https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt476/files/documents2/dmi-march2022.pdf

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: October 11, 2022

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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