Gloucester, NJ Alcohol And Drug Detox Rehab Centers

Drug and alcohol rehab centers are available near Gloucester, New Jersey for residents seeking drug and alcohol treatment. Many options are available for inpatient and outpatient treatment, including sober living and continuing care.

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Rehab Centers In Gloucester, NJ

Drug and alcohol detox near Gloucester is available for residents seeking drug treatment. People suffer from many different types of addiction and each disorder has its own type of care.

Dual diagnosis care and co-occurring disorder treatment are offered for people who may have other mental health or other problems along with addiction.

Substance abuse treatment can be complicated in many instances. It is in a person’s best interest to get a detailed health plan from a treatment provider who can help determine the right care.

Choosing A Rehab Facility Near Gloucester

Drug and alcohol rehab offers a variety of treatment options and rehabilitation for those struggling with substance use disorders.

Not all addiction treatment centers offer the same standards, so it is important to find a reputable facility.

When searching for a treatment facility near Gloucester, here are some key points to look for:

  • accreditation and licensed facility
  • treatment methods that are proven to work
  • medication approved for treatment
  • family member support
  • continuing care

Treatment Options Near Gloucester, NJ

After finding a qualified rehab facility, it’s important to make sure they provide individualized care and addiction treatment programs such as outpatient programs, inpatient rehab, or partial hospitalization programs (PHP).

The treatment program that is right for you or your loved one should include the specific care appropriate for your individual needs.

Alcohol And Drug Detoxification Programs

Alcohol and drug detox is the first step in getting help. Detoxification is often the first step in preparing a person for drug and alcohol treatment.

A person must go through medical detox to lessen the symptoms associated with withdrawal. Medications like methadone or buprenorphine may be used to reduce cravings and other withdrawal symptoms.

Read more about drug detox programs near you

Inpatient Drug And Alcohol Rehab Programs

Inpatient drug rehab normally consists of 24-hour care which may last several weeks to several months. Inpatient treatment can be intensive and will include behavioral health services.

Inpatient rehab involves intensive counseling, which usually includes individual therapy and group sessions. It prepares people for continuing treatment in a community-based setting.

Read more about inpatient addiction treatment options

Outpatient Treatment For Addiction

Outpatient programs may begin with intensive counseling sessions in the beginning, before transitioning to a less intensive therapy that meets a couple of times a week.

Group counseling is a major component of outpatient services. It is less costly and ideal for people who may work full-time or have a large support network at home.

Sober Living And Transitional Living

Sober living houses are a good next step for Gloucester residents who are leaving inpatient treatment and need a structured living environment.

Sober living includes a drug-free living environment, involvement in community support programs, participation in house chores and rules, and abstinence from substance use.

Aftercare And Continuing Care

Continuing care is a vital part of recovery for residents near Gloucester. The longer people stay in treatment the more likely they are to stay in long-term recovery.

Aftercare provides a sober environment with support from fellow residents. Involvement in outpatient counseling and self-help groups is expected.

Gloucester Substance Abuse Programs

In 2008, the Narcotics Strike Force was restructured as the Gloucester County Gangs, Guns and Narcotics Task Force.

The primary mission of the Task Force is to investigate offenders who engage in gang-related violence, especially gun violence.

The Gangs, Guns and Narcotics Task Force is responsible for the following:

  • reviewing/maintaining control of all manpower assignments, financial expenditures, grant management and monitoring
  • final review of daily and specialized tactical operations
  • supervisory direction of all daily investigations and operations
  • assigning County detectives and municipal police officers to investigations
  • reviewing open cases and daily coordination of cooperative drug investigations with outside agencies

Gloucester, NJ Addiction Statistics

In 2019, 46 percent of Gloucester County residents sought treatment for heroin use, and 29 percent for alcohol abuse.

The majority of those people seeking treatment sought intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) or short-term residential treatment.

Why Choose Bedrock Recovery Center?

If you or a loved one are battling drug or alcohol addiction, get help today. There is a road to recovery.

Located just a short distance from Gloucester, Bedrock Recovery Center in Canton, Massachusetts offers rehabilitation and recovery support for those seeking help throughout New Jersey and the United States.

Don’t wait to contact our helpline. We can assist you with getting help and answering any questions you may have regarding addiction treatment.

Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Gloucester, NJ

  1. New Jersey Department of Human Services—New Jersey Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse Overview 2019 Gloucester County
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse — Types of Treatment Programs
  3. Obama White House—New Jersey Drug Control Update
  4. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—Struggling with Addiction? Tips on Finding Quality Treatment
  5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—What is Substance Abuse Treatment?
  6. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services—National Institute on Drug Abuse

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: June 23, 2021

© 2024 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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