Rehab Centers In Newark, NJ
Alcohol and drug rehab centers near Newark can help residents fight alcohol abuse or drug addiction while overcoming their substance use disorder.
In order to combat alcohol addiction or substance abuse, residents can seek help in addiction treatment, behavioral health, or detox programs.
There are a variety of addiction centers that offer detoxification and rehabilitation services for those that want to enter a recovery program or help a loved one.
Choosing A Rehab Facility Near Newark
Choosing an addiction treatment program can be overwhelming. Your situation will determine what services to consider when searching for treatment options.
Examine what your needs are, and choose the best rehab facility that targets a combination of services and therapies that meet your needs.
When searching for Newark addiction treatment, look for rehab facilities that offer:
- mental health services
- dual diagnosis care
- medical care
- evidence-based treatment
- detoxification
- a range of levels of care
- addiction education for family members
Treatment Options Near Newark
A variety of treatment options are available for both adolescents and adults near Newark. It can be confusing when determining what type of drug and alcohol treatment you may need.
Explore the different types of addiction treatment and mental health treatment available in order to understand what you may need in terms of treatment.
Alcohol And Drug Detoxification Programs
Detoxification programs are usually shorter inpatient programs that offer initial counseling and prepare you for treatment in a community-based setting.
Detox programs often involve medications that can help with withdrawal symptoms and relapse.
Inpatient Drug And Alcohol Rehab Programs
Inpatient or residential treatment near Newark offers more intensive, structured treatment options with continued care. These can include partial hospitalization programs.
There is a wide range of inpatient rehab programs, but many include counseling, group and behavioral therapy, and mental health disorder care.
Outpatient Treatment For Addiction
Outpatient treatment options around Newark can start out as intensive outpatient programs in the beginning, meeting multiple times a week, and less hours per week later on.
Normally, they offer a variety of behavioral therapies where patients receive treatment in various settings.
Most of these outpatient programs provide both individual and group counseling and may involve other forms of therapy.
Sober Living And Transitional Living
Transitional living offers supervised, short-term living for those who are transitioning to an independent life. It may involve help managing finances and finding employment.
Newark sober living houses often connect those recovering with support services within their community.
Aftercare And Continuing Care
Most rehab centers will assist with continuing care after initial treatment for substance abuse issues is completed.
Continuing care is important to the success of staying sober, so community or family-based recovery support systems are usually involved in follow-up care.
Substance Abuse Programs In Newark
Many private rehabilitation programs offer substance abuse treatment and behavioral health programs near Newark.
In 2018, the DEA selected Newark as one of its DEA 360 cities in order to fight drug abuse and the growing number of opioid and heroin use within the city.
Their efforts to address substance abuse, prevention, and community outreach in Newark include:
- build on existing relationships with the city and collaborate with other stakeholders throughout the community
- acknowledge the past and present socio-economic challenges
- use existing partnerships with local law enforcement and national partners to get the community more involved
- hold community collaboration meetings with health care facilities, treatment programs, and faith-based organizations
- develop other municipal and non-profit partnerships
- focus on community-based outreach such as parent training, education on substance use disorders and addiction services, and Newark Cares
Newark Addiction Statistics
In 2019, 62 percent of substance abuse admissions for treatment in Newark were those with a heroin use disorder.
Since 2014, the suspected overdose deaths have increased near Newark, even though the amount of opioid prescriptions dispensed has lessened.
While heroin is one of the biggest drug problems Newark is facing, other primary substances of abuse include:
- alcohol
- marijuana
- cocaine/crack
- other opiates
Choosing Bedrock Recovery Center
If you’re looking for addiction treatment for you or a loved one, don’t wait to seek help.
Let us help you find treatment options for your substance use disorder. Recovery support is an important factor in helping establish a recovery plan.
We serve individuals throughout the state of New Jersey, greater New England, and the United States with treatment options which include detox, inpatient rehab, and much more.
Call our helpline today to learn more.
Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Newark, NJ
- U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration — DEA 360 STRATEGY REACH AND IMPACT REPORT: NEWARK
- New Jersey Department of Human Services — Substance Abuse Overview 2019 Statewide
- State of New Jersey — NJ Cares Data by County
- National Institute on Drug Abuse —Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction DrugFacts