Paterson, NJ Alcohol And Drug Detox Rehab Centers

Rehab facilities near Paterson, NJ offer many types of treatment programs and continuing care including detox, outpatient, inpatient drug rehab, and transitional living.

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Rehab Centers In Paterson, NJ

No matter what substance abuse problem you are facing, there are addiction services available near Paterson to help you combat drug abuse or alcohol addiction.

These recovery programs are specifically tailored to help with combating addiction, such as detoxification, dual diagnosis, medical detox, and mental health treatment.

Choosing A Rehab Facility Near Paterson

Not every addiction treatment center may offer treatment options that are best for you or a loved one. Choosing a treatment facility should depend on what type of treatment plan is best to suit your needs.

No single substance abuse treatment is right for everyone. Find a rehab program that offers a full range of support services that focus on your type of alcohol or drug addiction.

Factors to consider when searching for Paterson addiction treatment providers include:

  • What kind of treatment does the provider offer ?
  • Does the program offer medication, and are mental health issues addressed together with addiction treatment?
  • Is treatment tailored to individual needs?
  • Is treatment adapted to meet changing needs?
  • What does the rehab center expect from patients?
  • How do they measure treatment success?
  • How is relapse handled?

Treatment Options Near Paterson, NJ

There are various types of rehabilitation programs that involve long-term and short-term stays, alcohol and drug detox, mental health treatment, and co-occurring disorder treatment.

Each type of program is geared toward treating the specific needs of the individual and addressing their situation.

Alcohol And Drug Detoxification Programs

Alcohol detox and drug detox consists of inpatient rehab with counseling that prepares individuals for treatment in a community-based rehab facility.

These programs usually include medical detox, which involves administering medication for withdrawal symptoms and relapses.

Inpatient Drug And Alcohol Rehab Programs

Inpatient drug rehab near Paterson can be low-intensity or high-intensity and occurs in a 24-hour treatment setting.

Inpatient programs are normally structured and are medically directed. Most often, inpatient treatment involves withdrawal management.

Outpatient Treatment For Addiction

Regular office visits for counseling and medication support are included with outpatient services in the Paterson area. Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) involve partial hospitalization for complex care.

Lower-intensity outpatient treatment is sometimes used and involves building a custom care team of select professionals or doing telehealth sessions.

Sober Living And Transitional Living

Transitional living is residing in a halfway house or sober house and is available to people needing time to transition back into their everyday life and community.

In the Paterson area, sober living houses offer accommodations for people continuing their rehabilitation and may have assistance in managing finances and finding jobs.

Aftercare And Continuing Care

One of the most popular types of continuing care is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA is a mutual support group and meetings are held daily at varying locations.

Other types of aftercare may involve counseling, family care and other community support groups such as SMART Recovery, where peers meet to share their support.

Substance Abuse Programs In Paterson, NJ

Paterson is located in a county that participates in The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program.

The program provides agencies with resources to fight drug trafficking and its negative aftermath.

Paterson invests in partnerships with law enforcement agencies across four key areas:

  • drug enforcement
  • information sharing
  • training
  • drug abuse prevention

Paterson, NJ Addiction Statistics

Heroin is the main substance of abuse among Passaic County residents, and almost twice as many people seek treatment for heroin as opposed to alcohol.

Close to 50 percent of treatment admissions are from heroin.

Marijuana is the third-most abused drug, followed by cocaine and other drugs and opiates. Among Passaic County, Paterson has double the rate of those seeking treatment as all the other towns combined.

Why Choose Bedrock Recovery Center?

Choosing the right treatment facility and treatment providers is crucial when addressing substance abuse issues. Often, health insurance and costs affect what treatment is chosen.

Bedrock Recovery Center can help residents in New Jersey find addiction treatment in the greater New England area.

Our helpline offers recovery support and treatment options when you don’t know where to turn for yourself or a loved one. Don’t wait to ask for assistance in getting the right treatment plan you need — call today to get started.

Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Paterson, NJ

  1. State of New Jersey, Department of Human Services— New Jersey Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse Overview 2019 Passaic County
  2. Obama White House—New Jersey Drug Control Update
  3. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism— Recovery and Continuing Care
  4. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism— Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help
  5. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism—What Types of Alcohol Treatment Are Available?

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: May 27, 2021

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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