Union City, NJ Alcohol And Drug Detox Rehab Centers

Drug and alcohol abuse treatment centers near Union City, New Jersey offer treatment programs for rehabilitation, alcohol and drug detoxification, and continuing care.

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Rehab Centers In Union City, NJ

Addiction services near Union City, including alcohol detox, drug treatment, and mental health treatment, are offered to assist residents with addiction recovery.

Recovery programs can offer assistance with a health plan or insurance and treatment for substance use disorders and mental health disorders.

The best way to manage drug addiction is to find a rehab center that caters to the specific needs of you or your loved one.

Choosing A Rehab Facility Near Union City

Choosing rehabilitation and a recovery program tailored to your drug addiction can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for in a treatment facility.

There is no single treatment option for every individual with a substance use disorder.

It is important to find a rehab facility that offers support services that are directed toward your specialized needs.

Factors to consider for finding quality Union City addiction treatment include:

  • full assessment of patient
  • proven-effective treatment
  • accreditations
  • medical detox
  • recovery support programs
  • transitional living and continuing care

Treatment Options Near Union City, NJ

The same treatment plan is not right for everyone, but Union County teen and adult residents can benefit from various treatment programs.

Different treatment services suit each individual, whether it be alcohol detox, inpatient drug rehab, or dual diagnosis care.

Alcohol And Drug Detoxification Programs

Drug and alcohol detox is an important part of recovery. These programs involve medications, such as methadone or Suboxone, that can help with withdrawal symptoms.

Methadone, which is strictly medically monitored when prescribed in recovery, blocks the effects of opiates. It also reduces opioid cravings.

Inpatient Drug And Alcohol Rehab Programs

Inpatient treatment near Union City involves 24-hour patient care that is very structured and can be either long-term or short-term.

There are a variety of inpatient programs, but most offer group and individual therapy, behavioral health care, and a long-term treatment plan, such as sober living.

Outpatient Treatment For Addiction

Outpatient services near Union City mostly involve drug awareness and are less intensive than inpatient rehab treatment programs.

These programs often treat behavioral health issues, use weekly group therapy, and cost less. Often, patients have strong outside or family support when participating in outpatient programs.

Sober Living And Transitional Living

Sober living usually takes place in a supervised group setting where individuals live with others going through rehabilitation.

In Union City, individuals have resources within their community for support services. These services are aimed at supporting a drug-free, independent life they are able to manage on their own.

Aftercare And Continuing Care

Aftercare is an important part of a successful recovery program following initial substance abuse treatment.

Following alcohol or drug treatment, residents of Union City should continue group or individual counseling and take part in community support groups.

Substance Abuse Programs In Union City, NJ

The Hudson County Safe Communities Coalition is dedicated to collaborating with local law enforcement and community partners to combat alcohol and drug addiction.

The coalition focuses on young athletes and the use and misuse of opioids with a toolkit known as Tackling Opioids through Prevention.

The goals of the HCSCC in Union City is to reduce the following:

  • underage drinking
  • illegal substances
  • prescription medication misuse
  • new and emerging drugs of abuse

Union City, NJ Addiction Statistics

Union City had more people admitted for heroin treatment than all the other towns combined in Hudson County in 2019. The majority of patients were ages 25-59.

Marijuana is the second-most abused drug, which is closely followed by alcohol. Cocaine and other opiates, such as prescription drugs, are also abused substances.

Why Choose Bedrock Recovery Center?

If you need help for drug or alcohol addiction, don’t wait to seek treatment. Addiction affects brain function and behavior, but it is a treatable disease.

Substance abuse treatment can help you or a loved one with a treatment plan to stop using drugs, seek rehabilitation, and find recovery support.

At Bedrock Recovery Center, we can help residents throughout New Jersey and the United States through recovery programs, drug and alcohol detox, inpatient rehab, and much more.

Call us today for help with your specialized treatment options.

Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Union City, NJ

  1. New Jersey Department of Human Services — Substance Abuse Overview 2019 Hudson County https://www.nj.gov/humanservices/dmhas/publications/statistical/Substance%20Abuse%20Overview/2019/Hud.pdf
  2. White House Archives — NEW JERSEY DRUG CONTROL UPDATE Drug Use Trends in New Jersey Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions Data https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/docs/state_profile-new_jersey.pdf
  3. New Jersey Regional Coalition Initiative — Regional Coalition Agency Contact List https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/dmhas/resources/services/prevention/Regional_Coalition_Contacts.pdf
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse — Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction DrugFacts https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/treatment-approaches-drug-addiction
  5. National Institute on Drug Abuse — Types of Treatment Programs https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/drug-addiction-treatment-in-united-states/types-treatment-programs

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: May 27, 2021

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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