What Is The Street Price Of Gabapentin?

Gabapentin (Neurontin) is a prescription medication that is sometimes bought on the street for nonmedical use. On average, gabapentin costs between $1 to $3 per pill, when bought illegally through the black market.

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Gabapentin is a prescription medication for pain that is sold through the unregulated U.S. drug market for anywhere from $1 to $3 per dose, on average.

Similar to illicit drugs and other prescription drugs, such as benzodiazepines or opioids, the actual street cost of gabapentin may vary depending on certain factors.

What Factors Can Affect Average Street Cost Of Gabapentin?

The average street cost of gabapentin, and other prescribed medications commonly bought and sold on the street, can vary according to a number of factors.

Factors that may affect the street price of gabapentin include:

  • dosage
  • formulation (e.g. tablet, capsule, oral solution)
  • local availability
  • where you live
  • supply and demand
  • local drug laws
  • where you buy it from

Purchasing in small or large quantities (e.g. one capsule versus a 30-day supply bottle) may also affect the street cost of gabapentin, or that of a brand name equivalent.

How Much Does Gabapentin Cost On The Street On Average?

Gabapentin, or its brand name equivalents (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant), typically cost between $1 to $3 per dose, on average. As a drug with weak effects, its street value is low.

Gabapentin comes in the following dosages, which can affect cost:

  • 100 milligrams (mg)
  • 300 mg
  • 400 mg
  • 600 mg
  • 800 mg

Gabapentin may be referred to by its generic name, a brand name, or by a street name. Common street names for gabapentin include “gabbies” and “Johnny’s.”

Why Do People Buy Gabapentin On The Street?

Gabapentin is a non-controlled substance that is increasingly being reported as a potential drug of misuse and abuse, due at least in part to its accessibility.

This drug is legally prescribed by healthcare providers for:

  • nerve/neuropathic pain
  • epilepsy/seizures
  • chronic pain
  • restless leg syndrome

Its potential for abuse and addiction is not high.

In large part, the most commonly abused prescription drugs include opioid/opiate painkillers, benzodiazepines, and prescription stimulants.

Dangers Of Gabapentin Abuse

Gabapentin may be mixed with other drugs, including central nervous system (CNS) depressants like opioids, in order to get high. Doing this, however, can be dangerous.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), mixing gabapentin with depressants can increase the risk of respiratory depression and accidental drug overdose.

Treatment Options For Gabapentin Abuse

Buying drugs like gabapentin on the street can be a sign of substance abuse, which may require professional treatment to overcome.

Treatment for gabapentin abuse may involve:

Find Gabapentin Addiction Treatment Today

Bedrock Recovery Center in Massachusetts offers a range of treatment programs for prescription drug abuse and addiction, including the misuse of gabapentin.

For more information about our addiction treatment programs, call our helpline to speak to a specialist today.

  1. Radar Systems — StreetRX https://www.radars.org/radars-system-programs/streetrx.html
  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — FDA warns about serious breathing problems with seizure and nerve pain medicines gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant) and pregabalin (Lyrica, Lyrica CR) https://www.fda.gov/media/133681/download
  3. U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) — Misuse of Prescription Drugs Research Report https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/misuse-prescription-drugs/overview

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: March 1, 2022

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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