Bedrock’s Addiction Recovery Program For Union Members

If you belong to a union and are facing drug or alcohol addiction, getting help may be easier than you think. Our residential program for union members provides a smooth pathway to lasting recovery while keeping your job.

Having a substance use disorder (SUD) often means that using drugs or alcohol becomes, unintentionally, the focal point of life. For working professionals, managing withdrawal symptoms and other effects of an SUD on a daily basis can take a big toll not only on work performance, but also on coworker and personal relationships and overall health and well-being.

At Bedrock Recovery Center, our comprehensive addiction treatment program for union members allows you to focus solely on your recovery, without worrying about losing your job.

Through evidence-based and holistic treatment methods, you will receive all the tools and support you need to get at the roots of your SUD, develop and strengthen healthy coping skills, and achieve lasting recovery.

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Key Aspects Of The Program

Some professions face higher risks for addiction than others. For example, work-related accidents are common in manufacturing jobs, which may have led to more opioids being prescribed to professionals in this field, contributing to today’s high rates of opioid use disorder (OUD) among these workers.

Our addiction specialists understand the contributing factors to substance use disorders and provide long-term solutions for recovery through client-centered care in a comfortable, structured setting.

Personalized Care

An initial assessment and evaluation shortly after your arrival at Bedrock will introduce you to your care team and identify your treatment needs. Your treatment needs, along with your personal goals, will be addressed through an individualized treatment plan with recovery approaches decided on together by you and your care team.

Evidence-Based Treatment

We offer treatment options that are backed by science and proven to help people recover from SUDs.

Our proven-effective treatment methods include:

  • medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid and alcohol use disorders
  • medical detox for a safe and more comfortable withdrawal experience
  • cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • motivational interviewing (MI)
  • group therapy
  • family therapy
  • an integrated dual disorder treatment (IDDT) model, for people with addiction and a co-occurring mental health disorder such as depression

Process groups in therapy focus on anger management, relapse prevention, co-occurring disorders, and other topics relevant to participants.

Psychoeducation is also available for clients and their family members to learn more about the specific SUD, what recovery entails, and where to find additional support when needed.

A Multidisciplinary Approach

Care at Bedrock is provided by a multidisciplinary team of health professionals and support staff experienced in addressing the physical, psychological, emotional, and social aspects of addiction and recovery. This includes a psychiatrist, registered nurses, psychiatric nurse practitioners, master’s-level counselors and therapists, case managers, and more, all of whom have many years of experience in the addiction treatment field, and many of whom are in recovery themselves.

Wellness Options

In addition to medical and clinical care, we also offer a wide range of amenities and activities to support your overall health and well-being and encourage the adoption of healthy habits.

Our amenities and activities include:

  • a fully equipped gym
  • fitness classes led by certified instructors
  • yoga and meditation
  • nutrition counseling
  • an expansive outdoor space with a pergola, basketball court, ping-pong table, and cornhole
  • a movie theater
  • recreation rooms for game nights, karaoke, and more

A Community Of Peers

Although addiction affects everyone differently, and everyone’s path to recovery will look different, finding peers during treatment can help you feel less alone and more connected during recovery. Specialized programs, like BRC’s for union members, bring together people with similar life experiences so that it’s easier to relate to each other and build connections. Through listening to and sharing experiences in peer support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), SMART Recovery, or others offered at Bedrock, you can grow in your own understanding of your SUD and help others experience similar growth too.

As you near completion of your treatment plan, your care team will meet with you to discuss aftercare options, one of which is joining BRC’s alumni program. Through this program, you can stay connected with peers in recovery, participate in fun sober activities, and receive other ongoing support.

Call Bedrock Recovery Center To Learn More

Call today to learn more about how to get started on the path to recovery and a healthy life.

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: August 8, 2024

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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