Can You Smoke Adderall: Dangers And Effects

Adderall can be abused in a number of ways. Snorting Adderall and ingesting it orally are both more common forms of drug use. However, people who smoke Adderall do face an increased risk of addiction and overdose.

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Dr. Manish Mishra, MBBS

Medically Reviewed By: Manish Mishra, MBBS

on November 11, 2022

Adderall is a Schedule II prescription drug that is normally prescribed by physicians as part of the treatment for either narcolepsy or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Adderall is a combination of d-amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which acts as a stimulant. The cognitive effects have made Adderall a popular “study drug” for college students.

In the majority of cases, Adderall is prescribed as an oral medication. However, when it is abused it is commonly snorted, injected, or smoked.

Smoking is a relatively uncommon form of abuse when it comes to Adderall. However, it is possible to smoke it, and some people do regularly use this route of administration for Adderall.

What Are The Dangers Of Smoking Adderall?

Smoking Adderall may increase the onset of the drug’s effects as well as the potency of the drug. However, it comes with a cost.

When you smoke Adderall, you combine the risks of Adderall abuse with the additional respiratory side effects that accompany smoking and increased drug potency.

As a result, smoking Adderall may make you more susceptible to physical dependence, Adderall withdrawal, and life-threatening overdose.

Even if you do not immediately experience the signs of Adderall addiction or serious side effects, smoking this drug can cause a number of neurological and digestive health issues.

These often include headaches, nervousness, dizziness, loss of appetite, and stomach cramping.

Side Effects Of Smoking Adderall

Adderall and Adderall XR have a particularly long list of negative drug interactions and possible side effects.

While the side effects are generally not severe enough to offset the benefits for someone with narcolepsy or ADHD, they can be quite serious when the drug is used outside of a prescription.

These are some of the short- and long-term side effects of Adderall that you may experience if you use this stimulant drug without the oversight of a trained physician.

Short-Term Side Effects

Short-term effects are those that happen right after or during use or abuse of Adderall.

Short-term effects of Adderall include:

  • irregular heartbeat
  • high blood pressure
  • dry mouth
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • insomnia
  • fever
  • anxiety
  • euphoria
  • unstable blood sugar
  • changes in respiration rate

Long-Term Side Effects

People who take Adderall for an extended amount of time, or abuse it in high doses for a long time due to an addiction, may experience more damaging effects.

Some long-term effects of Adderall misuse may include:

  • cardiovascular damage
  • lung cancer
  • damage to the respiratory system
  • heart attack
  • stroke
  • seizures
  • psychosis
  • paranoia
  • weight loss
  • mental illness

Can Smoking Adderall Lead To Withdrawal Symptoms?

Adderall works by directly interacting with your central nervous system. The drug targets two particular neurotransmitters: norepinephrine and dopamine.

Norepinephrine is responsible for attention, whereas dopamine is directly linked to your brain’s reward system. These interactions open the potential for addiction when the drug is abused.

If you are addicted to Adderall, you may begin to experience withdrawal symptoms as the effects of the drug begin to wear off and you start to detox.

These withdrawal symptoms are caused by your brain’s adaptation to the abnormally increased levels of norepinephrine and dopamine. Without these levels, focus and mood regulation suffer.

Common symptoms of Adderall withdrawal include: 

  • fatigue
  • depression
  • irritability
  • increased appetite
  • vivid dreams
  • difficulty concentrating
  • cravings
  • slow heart rate
  • slow respiration rate

Adderall Addiction Treatment Options

Treatment options for Adderall addiction will vary depending on your individual needs and the kind of drug treatment program you’re interested in.

If you are considering an evidence-based program, the treatment options for Adderall addiction may include detoxification followed by mental health counseling and psychotherapy.

These healthcare services are often available through outpatient treatment centers as well as inpatient drug rehab centers.

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Our team at Bedrock Recovery Center is ready to help you when you or a loved one is in need of professional, evidence-based addiction treatment.

To learn more about the programs we offer at our accredited facilities, contact our helpline today.

  1. Behavioral Pharmacology
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse
  3. Substance Abuse Treatment Prevention Policy
  4. The Medscape Journal of Medicine

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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