Heroin Residential Inpatient Program

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Medically Reviewed By: Kimberly Langdon M.D.


If you’ve found yourself searching for ‘inpatient heroin treatment centers near me’, read on to find out what the start of your recovery journey could look like.

What is the Heroin Residential Inpatient Program?

Heroin residential treatment centers provide a sober environment and focused care. This makes it easier for you to abstain from heroin abuse. Ultimately, residential rehab empowers you to stop self-destructive behaviors.

Different forms of therapy, including heroin medication-assisted treatment (MAT), can reinforce each other. The goal is to dial back a chronic brain disease. But it’s also more than that—It’s about restoring your physical health, giving you the mental toolkit to deal with problems and thrive, not just survive.

Who Needs the Heroin Residential Inpatient Program?

Heroin is a highly addictive substance that can lead to an opioid use disorder (OUD). If you’ve been struggling with the signs described below, an inpatient heroin rehab center is the best way to move forward.

  • You’ve developed a tolerance and need more heroin than you used to.
  • You get cravings that you can’t resist.
  • You continue your heroin use despite the harm it causes.
  • You spend a lot of time trying to get drugs, using and recovering from them.
  • Your drug use has caused other risky behaviors. This has led to legal and health issues.
  • Using also affects your social life and your job status.

If your use is heavy, involves multiple drugs or has been going on for a while, treatment is a matter of urgency. And if you’ve been to treatment before and relapsed, don’t give up hope. Many people in long-term recovery tread the same path.

Your treatment plan can be adjusted to be longer or to include heroin MAT and other effective therapy approaches. This can make all the difference.

What to Expect from the Heroin Residential Inpatient Program?

Heroin residential treatment programs begin with an intake interview and assessment of your readiness to change. Your care team will do a physical exam. This includes heroin drug tests and checks for infection at injection sites. They will also compile a history of your addiction and make notes about your social support system. These elements all inform your treatment plan.

In heroin rehab, a dual diagnosis may complicate matters. But a reputable residential treatment program in Massachusetts or elsewhere can provide safe and integrated treatment.

To begin with, you will undergo detox. Heroin detox treatment flushes toxins out of your body and weans you off drugs. Your doctor will consider factors that are unique to you to prescribe the right meds and supplements for you. This makes withdrawal symptoms much easier to bear.

If you’re not in a supervised medical setting, detox can be dangerous. And the odds that you will relapse are much higher.

What Happens After Detox?

Your body will be in a much better physical state. At this point, you’ll be more receptive to counseling and a heroin rehab program. It’s this mental training, coupled with MAT for heroin addiction, that can bring about a positive lifestyle overhaul.

Developing the skills for sobriety takes time and effort in a place devoid of drugs. This is what 24/7 inpatient heroin treatment caters to. Short-term residential heroin treatment stays are about a month to three months long. Longer programs are optimal and can last for about six months to over a year.

The Heroin Residential Inpatient Program Process

An OUD can take a toll on your body and mind. It’s the kind of toll that requires intense treatment. Inpatient heroin treatment centers provide long stays in therapeutic communities (TCs). This leads to ‘resocialization’.

During this time, you will:

  • Have stability and structure
  • Enhance your motivation to stop using
  • Be a responsible and productive member of your community
  • Develop life and social skills and self-esteem
  • Be educated about drugs and meds and how to look after your health
  • Find links to community-based services such as skills training

If relevant, residential dual diagnosis treatment can also help you deal with a co-occurring psychiatric issue.

Types of Therapy

Individual Counseling
This type of therapy provides privacy. You and your counselor build rapport. Once you trust your therapist, he or she will guide you to unpack harmful beliefs and change damaging behaviors.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) outlines the pros and cons of change. It considers problems you may encounter and provides you with coping skills. Self-control strategies allow you to avoid or deal with triggers and high-risk situations. You will learn how to deal with the root causes of your OUD.
Counseling will also include goal-setting.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a way for people you care about to tell you how your OUD impacts their lives. It’s also an outlet for you to constructively talk to close friends and family members about their problem behaviors.

In some cases, the following behaviors contribute to your OUD:

  • Domestic abuse
  • A family history of drug and alcohol misuse
  • Financial issues
  • Other sources of trauma

Where there is room for improvement, your therapist will give your significant others exercises to work on too. Counselors will also provide info to your loved ones so they can prevent enabling and know how best to assist you.

When goals are met, there are rewards to help behaviors stick. This makes for a more harmonious home and one where it is easier to abstain.

Contingency Management

This method is highly effective in opioid treatment. It rewards patients for positive behaviors such as passing a drug test. The incentives can differ. In voucher-based reinforcement (VBR), you get a voucher for goods and services that fit into a sober lifestyle. The more drug tests you pass in a row, the higher the value of the voucher. For example, you may get tickets for a show.

Systems that don’t use vouchers offer the prospect of cash prizes. Meet a goal and your name goes in a bowl to win the money.

Group Counseling

A therapist can use group counseling to teach more broadly applicable skills. During sessions you can learn relaxation techniques or how to avoid conflict. You can also learn to recognize the early signs of a lapse, for example.

Discussing your journey with accepting peers who have similar stories and goals can feel like a release. It removes some of the shame that you may feel when talking to loved ones about your OUD. It also gets you used to sharing and staying accountable in a support group setting.

For many people, taking part in regular 12-step mutual self-help meetings is a key feature of a sober life. Having a sponsor or mentor who is further along their recovery journey can be a real help in tough moments.

Medicated-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

With heroin addiction, willpower and therapy are often not enough to quit. You need to combine counseling with medicine in what is known as a ‘whole-patient’ approach.

MAT usually refers to three FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of OUDs. They are:

  • Methadone – only available from certified Opioid Treatment Programs
  • Buprenorphine – available from approved GPs
  • Naltrexone – available from most GPs

These drugs work in different ways. They can lessen withdrawal symptoms and/or block cravings and rewarding feelings. Naltrexone makes you feel sick if you use other substances.

What Happens After Inpatient Heroin Treatment?

Outpatient treatment sessions, aftercare, and recovery homes can keep you on track and prevent relapse when you first leave medical heroin rehab. Patients on MAT need easy access to maintain doses. Your care team will help you figure out the logistics.

If you’d like to be totally drug-free, you can discuss tapering your MAT dose with your doctor. This is only advisable when you’ve been in recovery for a while and feel mentally strong enough to abstain.

Building new forms of recreation and different social networks can help you maintain healthy habits. By digging deep and applying what you learn in therapy, a brighter future is assured.

Why Choose Bedrock?

Bedrock Recovery Center employs board-certified specialists to care for you during and after detox. We can help you take the first crucial step towards long-term sobriety. As one of the best heroin rehab centers in Massachusetts, we take pride in providing unmatched support to patients. This includes Medication-assisted treatment.

At Bedrock, we use evidence-based methods to ensure you get the treatment that’s tailored to your needs. Our holistic program includes a wide array of recreation activities and the latest therapy modes that work. If you’re looking for an intensive residential treatment program in Massachusetts, we are here for you.

BRC provides an ideal start to a new life. Contact us today to find out more about our services.

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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