Effects & Dangers Of Shooting Oxycodone

Shooting oxycodone can cause strong numbing, euphoria, and fatigue. Your risk of serious health problems, such as collapsed veins, opioid overdose, and addiction, increases if you inject oxycodone.

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Injecting oxycodone, also known as shooting, can cause severe drowsiness, physical health problems, and withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit. Injecting oxycodone increases your risk of serious side effects compared to proper use.

Oxycodone is prescribed as a prescription drug for severe pain management. It can be prescribed as a tablet under the brand names OxyContin or Percocet. Intravenous use of oxycodone is not an approved form of drug use in the United States.

Although doctors can prescribe tamper-resistant formulations of oxycodone, oxycodone is still a widely abused drug in the U.S.

If you or a loved one inject oxycodone to get high, you may be struggling with a substance use disorder. Professional addiction treatment programs can help you stop shooting oxycodone and live a healthier, happier life.

Injecting Oxycodone

Injecting oxycodone can cause a stronger high compared to swallowing tablets. Injected oxycodone enters your bloodstream directly and reaches opioid receptors in your brain without going through the digestive system.

Injection is a popular form of opioid abuse for people who want to get high on opioids. Injecting drugs such as oxycodone can be done by mixing crushed OxyContin tablets into water and injecting the solution with a needle.

As an illicit drug, oxycodone may be sold under the names Oxy, Roxy, Perc, and others.

Side Effects Of Oxycodone Injection

Injecting oxycodone can cause strong pain relief, numbing, and euphoria for a short amount of time. However, oxycodone injection can also cause side effects.

These side effects include:

  • constipation
  • loss of coordination
  • drowsiness
  • headache
  • excessive sweating
  • nausea
  • skin, muscle, or cardiovascular problems

These side effects can be stronger if you inject oxycodone compared to swallowing it.

Dangers Of Oxycodone Injection

Although injecting oxycodone can lead to strong numbing, euphoria, and pain relief, the health risks are serious and even life-threatening. The analgesic effects of oxycodone can also diminish over time due to the development of tolerance and physical dependence.

Opioid Overdose

Overdosing on opioids can happen when you take high doses of opioids at once. A dose of oxycodone may be safe when taken properly, but can have a high risk of overdose when you inject it.

Signs of an opioid overdose may include:

  • severe drowsiness
  • trouble breathing
  • difficulty staying awake
  • loss of consciousness
  • weak pulse
  • clammy skin

If you or a loved one are showing signs of an opioid overdose, you can administer naloxone. Naloxone can stabilize an overdose victim’s breathing while you wait for medical help to arrive. You can obtain naloxone from local harm reduction programs.

Physical Side Effects

Injecting drugs can strain your skin, muscles, and cardiovascular system. Injecting drugs such as oxycodone has been linked to serious side effects.

Common side effects include:

  • infections at the injection site
  • collapsed veins
  • abscesses
  • blood clots
  • increased risk of diseases, such as HIV or hepatitis C

Illicit drug dealers can mix other drugs into doses of oxycodone, such as fentanyl or amphetamines. These drugs can worsen side effects or increase your risk of overdose when taken with oxycodone.

Oxycodone Addiction

Oxycodone addiction, also known as a substance use disorder, is a mental health condition where you cannot stop taking oxycodone. Injecting oxycodone can lead to a high risk of addiction because you may be taking high doses without medical supervision.

Even if you know that injecting oxycodone is dangerous to your health, health problems such as worsening mental health and opiate withdrawal symptoms can make quitting difficult.

Thankfully, our substance abuse treatment center can provide professional help and increase your chances of a successful recovery.

Find Addiction Treatment Today

At Bedrock Recovery Center, our opioid addiction treatment options include medical detox services, mental health care, and medication-assisted treatment. Our evidence-based treatment plans can help you quit oxycodone in a safe, understanding environment.

To learn more, please contact us today.

  1. Canadian Medical Association Journal https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4500686/
  2. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2008/020553s059lbl.pdf
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/prescription-opioids
  4. National Library of Medicine: StatPearls https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482226/

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: August 25, 2023

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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