How Do I Know If My Loved One Needs To Go To Rehab?

The signs of addiction can vary from person to person, which can make it challenging to tell if your loved one has an addiction. A loved one who has an addiction may also try to hide it.

If you believe that your loved one is living with addiction, contact a substance abuse counselor to receive guidance and help you determine if your loved one needs help.

Determining The Severity Of A Loved One’s Substance Use

Substance use affects everyone differently.

The severity of a loved one’s substance use can be determined through how extensively their health, employment, and legal, financial, or interpersonal aspects of a person’s life are affected.

Employment Issues

If your loved one is experiencing employment issues, such as chronic tardiness or repeated job loss, it may be an indicator of moderate to severe substance abuse.

Substance abuse may also contribute to the potential for workplace accidents.

Legal Issues

If your loved one is experiencing legal issues related to substance abuse, they may need to seek treatment.

Charges such as driving under the influence and unlawful possession of drugs or paraphernalia are common among people living with substance use disorders.

These charges may come with jail time, fines, and a suspended license.

If your loved one has been experiencing any of these legal issues, it may be time for them to attend treatment.

Interpersonal Issues

Substance abuse may cause problems in your loved one’s relationships with family, friends, and significant others.

Substance abuse may cause people to isolate themselves from the ones they love to hide their substance use.

Someone who is using substances may also lie and steal to fuel their addiction, which can create a divide between them and their family members or friends.

If you notice a loved one exhibiting these behaviors, they may need help for their addiction.

Financial Issues

If your loved one is consistently experiencing financial issues, it may be due to them funding their addiction.

Over time, as dependence grows, a person may need larger quantities of a drug or alcohol to feel the same effects, which also means a higher cost.

Someone who regularly uses drugs or alcohol may also experience a variety of adverse health effects. This creates more health care and hospital costs for the individual.

Signs That Rehabilitation Is Immediately Necessary

If your loved one is showing more severe signs of addiction, such as overdose, significant weight fluctuations, experiencing poor mental health, or there is a risk of harm to themselves or others, they may need treatment immediately.


An overdose is a serious medical condition, which can be life-threatening. If your loved one has experienced an overdose, this is a sign that rehabilitation is immediately necessary.

Express to your loved one how concerned you are for their health and that you will support them during treatment.

Significant Weight Fluctuations

Alcohol and drug use can cause significant weight fluctuations, either with weight loss or gain.

If you notice that your loved one is experiencing serious weight fluctuations, it may be a sign of severe addiction.

Signs Of Physical Harm

If you notice that a loved one is showing signs of organ failure or showing signs of track marks, bruising, or other injuries to the skin, lips, or gums this is a serious concern.

Express your concern for your loved one and why you believe getting medical help and attending treatment is the best option.

Rapidly Deteriorating Mental Health

Substance use disorders and mental health conditions often co-occur. Using substances over time can cause rapid deterioration of your loved one’s mental health.

They may be experiencing extreme depressive episodes, paranoia, hallucinations, and other adverse effects on their mental health.

If your loved one is showing any of these signs, it is critical to seek help immediately.

Learn How Bedrock Can Help Today

If you believe that your loved one needs to go to treatment, we can help. Contact Bedrock Recovery Center today to learn how we can help your loved one begin their recovery journey.

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

© 2024 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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