Melrose, Massachusetts Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Drug addiction can change your life drastically. It can lead to physical and mental health problems or even death. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can get the treatment you need at one of the many rehab centers in Massachusetts. From detox programs to residential inpatient drug rehab, Massachusetts has it all, giving you a chance to finally quit your addiction. If you’re in a suburb like Melrose, rehab centers you can count on are just minutes away.

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Introduction to Melrose, MA

Melrose is in a great location just seven miles north of Boston. It’s even won several awards for being among the best places to live. This is largely due to easy access to healthcare at local facilities like MelroseWakefield Hospital. And the average Melrose citizen only has to drive four minutes to get medical help. This suggests you’re in the right place if you’re seeking any sort of treatment.

Melrose, MA Facts

If you’re ready to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction, take a look at what you need to know about your options for rehab in Melrose, MA.

  • With a population of about 28,000 people and very low crime rates, Melrose is a safe place to live. However, this city’s rate of binge drinking and prescription drug use among youth is higher than the state’s average.
  • In fact, rising drug use among young people is the reason the city began the Melrose Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition to address rising drug abuse. The group formed shortly after two local teens died of drug overdose in 2004.
  • Opioid use in Melrose is of particular concern. In 2015, just two people died of opioid overdose. But that number rose to 10 in 2016 and 11 in 2017. That’s a big number for the city’s low population.
  • In addition, according to the Melrose Police Department, drug violations rose by 233% from 2017 to 2018.

This is why it’s so important to have access to rehab in Melrose and nearby cities. If you’re addicted to opioids, alcohol or other substances, find a Massachusetts rehab center you can trust for everything from detox to ongoing outpatient treatment.

Melrose Drug And Alcohol Treatment

Due to so many cities having high rates of drug use, Massachusetts has been working on ways to ensure people have easy access to rehab. Massachusetts Overdose Prevention Collaborative Grant Program is one example. This program is meant to offer tactics to help local agencies reduce the misuse of opioids and prevent overdose.

And for those in the Boston suburbs, there’s the Melrose Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. This group reaches out to parents and teens to educate them on the dangers of drug abuse. They also provide resources, including meetings and events. They even work with the police department to host workshops.

This state also allows courts to send people to Massachusetts rehab centers if they’re addicted to drugs or alcohol. So if you’re seeking ways to fight drug use, you should look for the right Massachusetts drug rehab center today. Bedrock Recovery Center is one example of a treatment center that’s available to Melrose residents, as it’s only 45 minutes away and offers customized treatment programs in a recently remodeled facility.

Melrose Alcohol and Drug Detox and Rehab Questions

Where Should I Go to Receive the Best Alcohol and Drug Detox Near Melrose?

The most important detail to note is that you should go to a rehab center you can trust for treatment. You may be able to find this in Melrose, or you might have to drive to another city. Either way, look for a center that provides a variety of therapies. This is important whether you need detox, inpatient care, outpatient care, or all three.

What Should I Look for in a Detox Rehab Facility?

If you need help detoxing from a drug, find a detox center that has the resources to relieve the side effects you might feel when you quit using drugs. Some detox symptoms can be painful and/or uncomfortable. You’ll need a safe place to get the drugs out of your system with medical supervision.

Is Addiction Treatment Necessary for Recovery?

While it is possible to quit drugs without treatment, most people see more success when they get professional help. If you want the best chance of living a life without drug or alcohol dependence, you’ll need support via therapy. This is especially the case if you have an underlying condition that caused you to turn to drugs in the first place, as you’ll need treatment for that, too.

Types of Rehab Programs in Melrose, Massachusetts

If you’re looking for help with rehab in Melrose, MA, you’re in luck. You have several options, including the following:

Detox Program

The first step of your treatment journey is typically detox. This is when you rid your body of the toxins it’s gotten used to. Detoxing from certain drugs can be dangerous and is not easy to do alone. This means you may need a detox program where you’ll be supervised by medical professionals for about a week.

Residential Inpatient Program

Once you’re done with detox, you’ll begin a residential inpatient program. In other words, you’ll live at a drug treatment center to get constant support from therapists, medical professionals, and other caring staff. This type of treatment often lasts a few months. It’s meant to prepare you to live on your own again, free of substance abuse.

Medication Assisted Program

Depending on which drug you’ve been using, you might benefit from using medications to help with treatment. If this is the case, you’ll need a medical professional to prescribe you the correct medication at the right dose. Fortunately, many Melrose rehab centers employ staff members who can monitor your progress as you use medication to quit your addiction.

Melrose Sober Living

You might need help transitioning back into the world after completing your inpatient treatment program. A sober living house can assist you. You’ll live in a supportive household where you can ease back into your routine with work or school—without relying on drugs or alcohol to cope with life.

Aftercare Programs in Melrose

Part of the continuum of care you’ll need is outpatient treatment when you’re done with your residential stay. Melrose offers some aftercare programs that make it easy for you to get outpatient counseling as often as you need. A good aftercare program can make a big difference in whether you stay away from dangerous substances, as access to therapy means you’ll always have the support you need to deal with stress.

How to Use Your Insurance to Pay for Addiction Treatment

If you’re worried about paying for drug treatment in Melrose, know that many insurance carriers cover some treatment costs. Just look for a local rehab center that accepts your insurance. The good news is that many:

Melrose, MA Rehab Centers Accept the Following Plans

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Maine
  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut
  • Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont
  • Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield New Hampshire
  • Cigna
  • Humana
  • Aetna
  • UnitedHealthcare

Most Popular Questions in Melrose

Melrose residents who are struggling with drug addiction might have some questions that need answers before starting their path to recovery. These are some of the most common questions we hear before patients decide where to go to rehab.

How do I get to Bedrock Recovery Center?

Bedrock Recovery Center is in a convenient location that’s just minutes from most Boston suburbs. If you’re in Melrose, it’s only a 40-minute drive south to Canton.

Why should I get treatment?

If your goal is to conquer your addiction for good, it’s best to get help from professionals. Staying off drugs long-term often requires you to have coping mechanisms you can use when you feel tempted to turn to drugs again. Our counselors can teach you how to deal with the stress of life in healthy ways.

What kinds of drug addictions does Bedrock Recovery Center treat?

Our staff has experience treating patients who are addicted to a variety of substances. Some of the most common drug addictions we treat include cocaine or coke, heroin, alcohol, meth, and prescription drugs.

Why Choose Bedrock?

At Bedrock, we offer customized treatment programs for our patients. Whether you need drug detox, inpatient residential treatment, or aftercare, we’re here to help. Our evidence-based treatment solutions can help you finally quit dangerous substances for good. Contact us today to learn more about our recovery center so you can decide if it’s the right one for you.

Popular Nearby Locations

If you’re looking for nearby rehab centers in Massachusetts, you’ll find several in cities just minutes from Melrose. There are also some qualified treatment centers in neighboring states.

The following cities and states may be home to the treatment center you need:

Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Melrose, Massachusetts

  1. Safe, smart Melrose ranks high among Mass cities again. (2018, February 21).
  2. Current opioid statistics. (2020 June).
  3.  Crime statistics. (2019, April 23).

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: November 4, 2020

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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