Drug Rehab Centers In Westfield, MA

There are a number of options for drug and alcohol treatment in Westfield, Massachusetts. Each program has their own preferred treatment options, which can be used to create a personalized treatment plan for your unique needs.

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Substance abuse treatment facilities in Westfield, MA, provide alcohol and drug treatment services to residents and visitors alike.

If you are looking for a drug rehab center in Massachusetts, there may be resources in Westfield that supply the substance use disorder care you need.

Rates Of Substance Abuse In Westfield, MA

Westfield, MA is in western Massachusetts just west of Springfield on Route 20. This small city in Hampden County is populated by roughly 40,000 people according to the last census.

Our team has gathered information on local drug and alcohol use trends below.

Trends in drug and alcohol abuse in Westfield, MA:

  • The most commonly abused substances in Westfield, MA are heroin, alcohol, and cocaine.
  • Fatal opioid overdose rates have been inconsistent in Westfield, MA with some years having substantially higher rates than others.
  • Between 2012 and 2017, drug rehab admission rates in Hampden County increased 42%.

Treatment Programs For Addiction In Westfield, MA

Addiction recovery programs in Westfield, MA employ a variety of approaches to treatment in order to create comprehensive treatment plans that fit your needs.

The exact services available to you will depend on the drug rehab program and the level of care provided.

Addiction recovery services may include:

Insurance Coverage For Addiction Treatment In Westfield, MA

Substance abuse can cause lasting damage to your health. As a result, most health insurance providers offer partial to complete coverage for detoxification and addiction care.

If you would like to learn more about what your insurance plan offers, contact our team at Bedrock Recovery Center to discuss the details of your coverage.

MassHealth Insurance

Massachusetts’ Medicaid program is known as MassHealth. The intent of this program is to provide affordable health insurance coverage for residents with fewer financial resources.

If you would like to use your Medicaid insurance for addiction care, contact your drug or alcohol rehab facility of choice to learn more about the options available to you.

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare

Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare is the second-largest health insurance provider in the state of Massachusetts with over 2 million members in the New England region.

This private non-profit provides coverage for addiction treatment through a number of rehab facilities in Westfield, MA and the surrounding area.

Beacon Insurance

Beacon Insurance is another private option for health insurance coverage in Massachusetts.

This Boston-based behavioral health network company was recently acquired by Anthem in 2020 and brought into their larger health insurance conglomerate.

FAQs For Addiction Treatment Centers In Westfield, MA

Choosing a drug addiction treatment program can be challenging, especially if you don’t know much about the process.

Our team has gathered your most commonly asked questions regarding addiction care in Westfield, MA to help make the process a little more transparent.

How Is Addiction Defined In Westfield, MA?

Evidence-based rehab centers in Westfield, MA usually use the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) definition of addiction.

SAMHSA defines addiction as a continual drive to use drugs and alcohol despite harmful consequences and physical damage to the body and brain.

People who are able to live a relatively normal life despite substance abuse may be diagnosed with dependency rather than addiction.

Will My Drug Rehab Program In Westfield, MA Be Able To Identify The Cause Of My Addiction?

The exact causes of drug and alcohol addiction are too complex to easily identify during treatment.

Your therapist may be able to identify some potential risk factors, but these assessments are based on a general knowledge of how addiction works.

Common risk factors include a family history of addiction, co-occurring mental health disorders, trauma, and pressure to conform with the social expectations of your peers.

What Are The Most Effective Addiction Treatments In Westfield, MA?

The efficacy of addiction treatments in Westfield, MA will depend on the individual.

With that said, behavioral therapies have proven to be one of the most effective treatments for addiction in studies that look at larger sample sizes.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most common types of addiction treatment that you will encounter at evidence-based rehab facilities.

Do Relapse Prevention Programs Work?

Relapse is a common part of addiction recovery. More than half of people in recovery will relapse at some point.

Relapse prevention programs in Westfield, MA aim to reduce that risk, but the efficacy of these programs is dependent on a number of variables pertaining to each individual.

Generally speaking, scientific research does support the idea that relapse prevention programs can help to reduce the rate of relapse.

How Do I Improve My Chances Of Achieving Long-Term Recovery?

Relapse is usually initiated by an identifiable trigger. Stress, isolation, and ease of access are all common triggers for relapse.

To prevent relapse and improve your chances of long-term recovery, it’s important to build a supportive network in Westfield, MA.

Support groups, continued family therapy, and vocational support are just a few resources that you can use to reduce stress and stay connected after you’ve completed your program.

Find Substance Use Treatment At Bedrock Recovery Center

If you are considering substance use treatment in Westfield, MA for yourself or a loved one, give us a call at the Bedrock Recovery Center helpline.

Our team can talk you through potential options for addiction treatment and the enrollment process as well as available payment options for cost-effective care.

Additional Treatment Centers Near Westfield

Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Westfield, MA

  1. Baystate Noble Hospital https://www.baystatehealth.org/-/media/files/about-us/community-programs/community-benefits/2019-community-health-needs-assessments/baystate-noble-2019-chna-report-final-web.pdf?la=en
  2. City of Westfield https://www.cityofwestfield.org/757/Westfield-Overdose-Statistics
  3. Department of Public Health (DPH) https://www.mass.gov/topics/masshealth
  4. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) https://nida.nih.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatment-research-based-guide-third-edition/drug-addiction-treatment-in-united-states/types-treatment-programs
  5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt32838/Massachusetts-BH-Barometer_Volume6.pdf

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: August 26, 2022

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* This page does not provide medical advice.

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