Cambridge Alcohol and Drug Detox Rehab Centers

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Introduction to Cambridge

Cambridge is beautiful, and its world-renowned universities lend glamour and prestige. What’s less glamorous is the very real substance abuse problem in the city.

The opioid prescription rate in the ommonwealth peaked in 2015, a mere five years ago. Changes that were implemented after a public health emergency was declared led to a decrease in the overdose death rate for the first time in seven years.

Hotspots in Cambridge include but are not limited to North Cambridge, East Cambridge and the Port. Areas near Harvard Square and Central Square account for 30% of overdose calls.

In 2015, the Cambridge Health Department reported that there were 7.3 opioid-related deaths for every 100,000 people. While this figure is not as high as neighboring Boston’s startling 22.6 cases per 100,000 citizens, it’s still concerning. If we consider non-residents too, 115 people died in Cambridge between 2013 and 2017 as a result of opioid-related overdoses.

Cantabrigians also have issues with alcohol, marijuana, and other highly addictive substances. In 2018, 25% of visitors to the Access needle-exchange in Cambridge were using meth. This is a much higher figure than in previous years. And deadly fentanyl is increasingly being used as a filler in drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

And when locals emerge from rehab facilities in Cambridge MA, there are often no beds available in the city’s sober houses. Recovering addicts are taken to Cape Cod, Taunton and Worcester for assistance.

Read on for more information about Cambridge rehabs.

Cambridge Alcohol and Drug Addiction Statistics

Here are more disturbing stats about substance abuse in Cambridge.

  • In 2016, over a 146-day test period, there was an average of 1.6 emergency calls about overdoses on a daily basis. Also in 2016, there were 29 overdose fatalities in the city, a figure twice as high as the year before.
  • First responders used the opioid antidote naloxone 202 times in Cambridge in 2017. That same year, 22% of overdose patients transported by ambulances were picked up from private residences.
  • A study undertaken by reported that 20.6% of adults in Cambridge were guilty of binge drinking. This is higher than the national rate of 16.2%

Cambridge Alcohol and Drug Detox and Rehab Questions

Where Should I Go to Receive the Best Alcohol and Drug Detox in Cambridge?

If you have an opioid use disorder (OUD), finding a Cambridge MAT rehab center that offers medication-assisted treatment could save your life. The stigma around maintenance opioids can still be found in certain 12-step groups. But the state supports MAT because it’s helped many addicts come back from the brink to live stable, productive lives.

There are many reliable rehabs in New England. Bedrock Recovery Center is just half an hour away from Cambridge and it checks all the boxes that comprise high-quality care.

What Should I Look For in a Detox Rehab Facility?

Detoxes help you get rid of the toxins that have built up in your system. They also reduce the physical dependence you’ve developed as a result of regular substance use.

Even people who don’t misuse substances have to undergo a process where their dosage is gradually tapered. This is to prevent distressing withdrawal symptoms. Solo detoxes also often lead to relapse, so if your goal is to quit, then a safe and supervised detox at the hands of health experts is the first step you should take.

If you have a serious addiction to opioids, alcohol and/or benzos, detoxing by yourself can be fatal.

There are standalone detox centers, and there are full-service rehabs with on-site detox services.

Optimal Cambridge MA detox centers will provide:

  • Medication to ease your withdrawal symptoms
  • Medical monitoring and assistance at any time of the day or night
  • Support if you’re moving to another location for inpatient treatment

Is Addiction Treatment Necessary For Recovery?

If you use highly addictive drugs, it’s possible but unlikely that you will recover without some help from health experts. This is often because substance use is linked to other factors in your life that you need to address first. But it’s also because drugs make changes to your brain that take time and hard work to dial back.

Rehab starts by stabilizing you physically before providing intense psychosocial support. This gives you the mental fortitude to weather the kinds of storms that cause a relapse.

Types Of Rehab Programs in Cambridge

Detox Program

As we’ve already discussed, a detox program will guide and care for you through the first step of rehab. This process of medical monitoring and physical stabilization can take anywhere from three to ten days long.

At this point, you would have made it through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms and your tolerance will be much lower. You should also be more receptive to therapy at this juncture.

Residential Inpatient Program

This is what usually comes to mind when people think of rehab. Inpatient treatment usually involves a long stay at a Cambridge drug rehab. Residential treatment can last from thirty days to over a year if necessary.

It’s an intensive part of recovery. Days can be filled with group and personal therapy sessions, nourishing meals, time to de-stress, and community service. Amenities differ depending on the facility. You can expect to learn life skills and tools to manage cravings. The right facility will help you rediscover your worth and inspire you to stay sober.

Medication-Assisted Program

To recap, a medication-assisted program provides you with meds to deal with the challenges of recovery. You may receive over-the-counter or prescription drugs for pain relief, a dual diagnosis, or to help you abstain from your drug of choice.

For example, your addiction doctor may prescribe topiramate for alcohol cravings. Or you may be put on maintenance doses of methadone for an OUD. The goal is harm reduction, and to help you build better habits.

Cambridge Sober Living

Moving from rehab to normality can be quite jarring for some. It’s worth seeking a sober living home close to loved ones, school, or work. These homes have a drug-free policy. Housemates, all of whom are in recovery, have to undergo regular drug tests. Attending support groups or outpatient treatment is also often a condition of residence.

A structured environment like this is a nice way to maintain the momentum built up during inpatient treatment. You have a safe base for a new beginning, and sobriety can become a lifestyle.

Aftercare Programs in Cambridge

Recovery never ends. And people who have lapses are not failures. Having access to aftercare programs means preventing a slip-up from becoming a full-blown relapse. To this end, your rehab may provide outpatient treatment. Some rehabs offer virtual counseling in lieu of in-person therapy. This is a convenient option if you’re based far away.

How to Use Your Insurance to Pay for Addiction Treatment

It’s your right to have access to treatment for serious addiction. Whether you have Medicaid, employer-funded insurance, or private insurance, you should be covered for most of your rehab-related expenses. Be sure to contact your insurance provider for specific details about the insurance coverage for rehab. You should also check whether your preferred rehab accepts your insurance.

The following providers cover numerous Cambridge MA rehabs:

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Maine
  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut
  • Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont
  • Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield New Hampshire
  • Cigna
  • Humana
  • Aetna
  • UnitedHealthcare

Most Popular Questions in Cambridge

These are some of the most popular substance-related questions in MA.

How Long Does It Take to Detox From Alcohol?

If you drink daily or excessively, you may begin to feel withdrawal symptoms about six hours after your last drink. These symptoms can peak around three days after drinking. Five days after alcohol consumption, you should be feeling much better. In some cases, residual symptoms can go on for a month.

Why is Marijuana Dangerous?

For starters, smoking and vaping affect your lungs. In older people, weed use can cause a heart attack. In teens, cannabis use affects brain development. This is a fact and not a scare tactic.

In general, weed has more THC in it today than it did a few decades ago. This high potency has resulted in an increase in cannabis-related emergency calls. Weed edibles have also led to emergency room visits because people don’t realize that edibles take longer to have an effect.

Cannabis can also make an existing mental health condition worse.

When Should I Go to Rehab?

Rehab in Cambridge MA becomes essential when you begin to display the following symptoms:

  • When you stop using, you go into withdrawal.
  • A higher tolerance leads you to take more and more of your primary drug.
  • You can’t seem to stop your alcohol or drug habit, even when you try to.
  • Your substance use impacts your job or studies.
  • Your substance use has led to problems with the law.
  • Your substance use has caused rifts with loved ones.
  • Mood swings
  • Weight changes

Why Choose Bedrock Recovery Center?

Bedrock Recovery Center is just a stone’s throw away from Cambridge. A 30-minute drive will bring you to our accredited, modern, and recently-renovated facility. Here, we offer the gold standard of addiction treatment. Our addiction specialists are board-certified and patients can expect MAT and evidence-based therapies.

Amenities include a yoga studio, movie theater, fitness center, salon, and much more. Our gourmet food caters to dietary restrictions, and we personalize our service for each and every patient. Contact us for more information about our detox and inpatient offerings.

Popular Nearby States and Cities

Our five-star treatment attracts patients from across the country, and from places that are right on our doorstep in the Northeast region. Some of these places are:

Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Cambridge, Massachusetts

  1. Would You Step In to Help a Stranger Who’s Had an Opioid Overdose? (2017, May)
  2. Every Minute Counts: Fighting the Opioid Epidemic in Cambridge (2017, March 31)
  3. Meth Use Is Rising In Boston, Intensifying The Opioid Crisis (2018, December 4)
  4. Cambridge-MA-Opioid-Working-Group-Final-Recommendations (2019, March)
  5. The Drunkest Cities in America (2020, August)

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: November 4, 2020

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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