What To Expect In A Typical Day In Drug Rehab

Organized schedules reduces stress and prioritizes recovery. Learn about what a typical day is like at an inpatient recovery center.

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Drug rehab programs are deliberately structured to provide residents with an organized framework for their journey to recovery.

A typical day in treatment includes group therapy sessions, scheduled mealtimes, and recreational activities to address each resident’s mental and physical well-being.

Choosing Inpatient Or Residential Rehabilitation

Inpatient rehabilitation is an intensive form of addiction treatment where individuals reside at a specialized facility for an extended period.

In some cases, inpatient treatment and residential treatment are used interchangeably. However, they are technically different levels of care, and you will need to choose a program that fits your needs.

Inpatient care typically denotes a more clinical environment with access to a wide array of medical services while residential treatment takes place in a home-like environment with access to some medical services.

Both levels of care will have daily schedules that usually involve a combination of group therapy, educational sessions, and holistic activities aimed at addressing various aspects of addiction.

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The Morning Routine

In the morning, residents have breakfast, get fresh air on the patio, and participate in group therapy sessions.

Breakfast And Medication, If Needed

Regular and nutritious meals are an important part of recovery. A balanced breakfast can support physical health and contribute to mental and emotional wellbeing.

Inpatient rehabilitation centers also offer medication management as part of a comprehensive approach to treating substance abuse and addiction.

Fresh Air/Smoke Break On The Patio

After breakfast, residents will head to the patio for fresh air and a smoke break.

Rehab centers often prioritize addressing the primary addiction that individuals are seeking treatment for, such as drugs or alcohol.

While smoking is a health concern, it’s considered a secondary issue during the primary stages of treatment and is commonly allowed.

Group Therapy Sessions With Intermittent Breaks

Many rehab programs incorporate support group sessions with intermittent breaks.

These meetings provide a structured framework for people to share their stories, discuss recovery progress, and receive encouragement from other residents.

The Mid-Afternoon Routine

In the afternoon, residents eat lunch, meet with their treatment team, and continue with group therapy sessions.


After the morning group therapy sessions, residents will take a break for lunch. Patients may be able to choose from a wide range of warm and cold food options.

Socialization Period And Meeting With The Treatment Team

After lunch, patients can spend more time outside, socialize with their peers, and touch base with their treatment team, which may include their case manager, clinician, and MAT coordinator.

Group Therapy Sessions Continue

Often, a large portion of time in rehab is dedicated to group sessions. After the midday socialization period, residents will gather for another round of group therapy.

The Evening Routine

In the evening, residents eat dinner, meet with alumni or other community members, and enjoy recreational activities.


After the second round of group therapy sessions, residents meet for their final meal of the day.

Alumni And Community Members Share Recovery Stories

After dinner, residents can gather for scheduled meetings to hear alumni or other community members share their recovery stories, when available.

Recreational Activities

At the end of the day, residents are encouraged to take part in recreational activities.

Some common recreational activities offered include:

  • arts and crafts
  • karaoke
  • game nights
  • movie nights

Recreational activities provide a healthy outlet for stress, allowing individuals to unwind, relax, and build positive relationships with peers.

Lights Out At 11 PM

At the end of the day, all residents will be expected to turn their lights out and go to sleep at the same time.

Adhering to a lights-out time helps regulate individuals’ sleep patterns and supports consistent sleep, contributing to better overall health.

Learn More About Drug Rehabilitation In Massachusetts

If you or a loved one is considering drug rehabilitation in Massachusetts, we can help. Contact our Bedrock Recovery Center specialists today.

  1. Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/psychiatry/addiction-services/services/intensive-addiction-program
  2. National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA) https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugs-brains-behavior-science-addiction/treatment-recovery
  3. National Library Of Medicine: Bookshelf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507689/

Written by Bedrock Recovery Center Editorial Team

Published on: January 5, 2024

© 2025 Bedrock Recovery Center | All Rights Reserved

* This page does not provide medical advice.

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