Alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation centers in Wakefield, MA use a range of treatment options to create comprehensive substance use disorder treatment programs.
If you are considering addiction treatment in Massachusetts for yourself or a family member, you may find the resources you need in Wakefield.
Rates Of Substance Abuse In Wakefield, MA
Wakefield, MA is a Boston suburb located west of Salem. The town has a population of about 27,000 people and is part of Middlesex County.
Our team has put together statistics related to substance abuse trends in Wakefield, MA below.
Trends in drug and alcohol abuse in Wakefield, MA:
- The annual rate of opioid-related overdose deaths is rather high in Wakefield considering the town’s size. Numbers rose sharply in 2021 after a two-year decline.
- About half of all people who seek addiction treatment in Wakefield, MA use heroin as their primary drug.
- Alcohol is the second-most commonly abused substance among people seeking treatment in Wakefield, MA.
Treatment Programs For Addiction In Wakefield, MA
Addiction recovery programs in Wakefield, MA offer a number of different services based on the type of program they operate and the level of care they provide.
Addiction recovery services may include:
- 12-step programs
- adolescent programs
- day treatment
- alcohol treatment
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders
- group therapy
- heroin drug treatment
- inpatient rehab programs
- partial hospitalization programs (PHP)
- intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
- long-term residential treatment
- medical detoxification
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
- outpatient rehab programs
- sober living
- support groups
Insurance Coverage For Addiction Treatment In Wakefield, MA
Health insurance companies do generally provide some coverage for substance use disorder treatment as a result of the long-term side effects of addiction.
If you would like to learn more about how to apply your private insurance plan to addiction care, then contact our team at Bedrock Recovery Center.
MassHealth Insurance
MassHealth is Massachusetts’ Medicaid program. Unlike Medicare, qualifying for Medicaid does not require that you have an eligible condition like advanced age or a disability.
Medicaid eligibility is purely based on your financial information and is used to provide healthcare to people with fewer resources.
Beacon Insurance
Beacon Health Options is a behavioral health company that provides insurance to members that can be used for therapeutic addiction treatments.
If you would like to use your Beacon insurance for addiction treatment in Massachusetts, contact your insurance representative to learn about your coverage.
Cigna Insurance
Cigna is a major private health insurance provider with a national network. While the company is still based in New England, the size of its network has some advantages.
Cigna is widely accepted in Massachusetts as an acceptable payment option through many addiction treatment centers.
FAQs For Addiction Treatment Centers In Wakefield, MA
It isn’t always easy to navigate the healthcare system. When you’re looking for drug and alcohol rehab programs that fit your needs, the process can be difficult.
To make it a little easier for you, our team has put together your most commonly asked questions related to substance abuse treatment in Wakefield, MA.
Do All Substances Require A Taper To Detox Safely In Wakefield, MA?
A taper is a gradual reduction in the use of a substance that can cause volatile withdrawal symptoms if a person quits “cold turkey.”
In Wakefield, MA this treatment is given in a controlled environment under the medical advice of qualified professionals.
How Long Is An Inpatient Treatment Program In Wakefield, MA?
The length of an inpatient drug and alcohol addiction treatment program in Wakefield, MA will vary based on the facility and your specific needs.
Generally speaking, inpatient treatment programs last anywhere from a couple of weeks to a month. Anything beyond 30 days is more likely to be labeled long-term treatment.
Does Outpatient Treatment Provide Effective Options For Addiction Care In Wakefield, MA?
Outpatient treatment in Wakefield, MA can certainly provide effective options for the right person.
If you have a stable home life and supportive people living with you, there’s no reason that an evidence-based outpatient program can’t work for you.
What Is The Recovery Rate For Addiction In Wakefield, MA?
Three out of four people with a substance abuse disorder in Wakefield, MA will eventually achieve long-term recovery.
The best way to ensure your success is to use the aftercare services provided by your addiction treatment program and to ask for help when you begin to feel overwhelmed.
Find Substance Use Treatment At Bedrock Recovery Center
If you or a loved one are considering substance use treatment in Wakefield, MA, give our Bedrock Recovery Center helpline a call.
Our team can talk you through the treatment services provided by our accredited facilities and answer all of your questions along the way.
Directions to our facility in Canton, MA from Wakefield, MA
- Bureau of Substance Addiction Services
- Department of Public Health (DPH)
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)