Refuge Recovery is an alternative treatment to traditional 12-step programs. This program follows four noble truths associated with Buddhism.
This treatment modality was founded by a meditation teacher who gained inspiration from his personal journey of using mindfulness and Buddhist principles to overcome addiction.
Bedrock Recovery Center offers Refuge Recovery meetings as an alternative treatment option for those living with substance abuse.
The Foundations Of Refuge Recovery
Noah Levine, an author and meditation teacher, created Refuge Recovery as a Buddhist alternative to traditional 12-step programs, which are based on Christian principles.
Refuge Recovery views addiction as cravings in the mind and body and believes that meditative awareness can prevent those desires and ease suffering.
The Four Truths Of Refuge Recovery
The four truths of Refuge Recovery follow the four noble truths as stated in Buddhism.
These truths are the truth of acknowledging suffering, the truth related to the cause of suffering, the truth of the end to suffering, and the truth of the path that will lead to the end of suffering.
1. Addiction Creates Suffering
The first truth is that addiction creates suffering not only for the individual but for others around them. In Buddhism, this truth acknowledges the presence of suffering.
The notion of suffering is not intended to be negative but to convey a perspective that sees the world as it is and attempts to rectify it.
In refuge recovery meetings, individuals take stock of the suffering they have experienced and caused due to addiction.
2. The Cause Of Addiction Is Repetitive Craving
The second truth aims to determine the cause of suffering. In this case, refuge recovery believes that the root of suffering due to addiction is the desire for substances through repetitive cravings.
In Buddhism, desire refers to craving pleasure or material goods, which are wants that can never be satisfied. As a result, desiring these things can only bring suffering.
In Refuge Recovery meetings, the causes and conditions that lead to addiction are investigated. Then, the process of letting go can begin.
3. Recovery Is Possible
The third noble truth in Buddhism is that the end of suffering can be reached through achieving nirvana. Nirvana is believed to be a state free of suffering.
In Refuge Recovery, the state of nirvana is recovery from addiction.
Refuge Recovery believes that recovery is possible, and individuals are encouraged to take refuge in the path that leads to the end of drug or alcohol addiction.
4. The Path To Recovery Is Available
The fourth noble truth in Buddhism marks the method for ending suffering, which involves the eightfold path.
The eightfold path includes proper understanding, thought, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration.
In Refuge Recovery, this eightfold path is believed to lead to recovery.
This may involve practices such as the view that our actions have consequences, a commitment to mindfulness, not speaking in harmful ways, taking actions to prevent harming themselves and others, and applying the right effort to remain on the path of sobriety.
The Role Of Mindfulness And Meditation
Both mindfulness and meditation are typically associated with better treatment outcomes, enhanced emotional regulation and better mental health outcomes.
Mindfulness and meditation also improve prosocial behavior and emotions, which is essential for individuals in addiction recovery.
Mindfulness-based practices such as refuge recovery improve the ability to regulate addictive behaviors and prevent relapse.
Mindfulness and meditation practices also allow for examining an individual’s actions, cravings, and intentions.
Integration With Other Treatment Modalities At Bedrock
Refuge recovery may be combined with various other behavioral health treatment modalities at Bedrock, including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and a community reinforcement approach (CRA).
DBT focuses on teaching people how to regulate their emotional state in the moment.
The main goal of DBT is to help individuals learn more about their response to the world around them and how to use coping skills to reduce the risk of alcohol or drug use.
CRA focuses on increasing an individual’s engagement in positive activities, relationships, and behaviors.
CRA aims to identify positive supports, structures, and goals individuals can use to reduce the risk of relapse while in early recovery.
Learn About Addiction Treatment Programs At Bedrock
If you or a loved one are seeking addiction treatment and are interested in refuge recovery meetings, we can help.
Contact Bedrock Recovery Center to learn more information about refuge recovery and our treatment facilities.
- Colorado Mountain College Marmot Library
- Mindworks
- National Library Of Medicine: PubMed
- Public Broadcasting System (PBS),to%20bring%20about%20its%20end./
- Refuge Recovery Meetings